SOS MAP words = Imagery SOS MAP words are ways you can help people s__ what’s in your h____ when you are trying to d_______ something. These are often called sensory words, or imagery – also called figurative language, or literary devices. The first letters of each of these six elements spell SOS MAP. These six words are: (fill in the blanks next to the bold squares on your worksheet with these words) 1.S_____ words 2.Ono___opoeia 3.S__ile 4.M_________ 5.A___________ 6.P_____ification ensory mat im etaphor lliteration erson ee ead escribe Slide 1
I'm the Dragon of Grindly Grun, I breathe fire as hot as the sun. When a knight comes to fight I just toast him on sight, Like a hot crispy cinnamon bun. ©1974 by Shel Silverstein 1. Sensory words help readers to (1) see, (2) h___ (3) sm___, (4) t____ or (5) to____ whatever you’re writing about. 2. Ono___opoeia uses words to i_______ sounds, such as “the c_____ of the cymbals”. ear ell aste mat lash 3. Similes are phrases that use the words l____ or ___ to c______ two things. Usually they compare something that is e____ to understand with something that is ______ to understand. ike as ompare asy hard uch Do you see any SOS words in this Shel Silverstein poem? mitate Slide 2
4. Metaphors compare two un____ things by describing one as if it were the other, with____ using like or as. like out Fire and Ice SOME say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To know that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice. By Robert Frost From Harper’s Magazine, December In this poem, Frost compares fire to ____. (3rd line) Fire is a ph_____ element and desire is an e______. Frost compares the two by saying that the world could end in fire. He also says that people’s desire - wanting things they cannot have - could also cause the world to end. Do you agree? desire ysical motion Because Frost compares fire with desire, two u______ things, we say that fire is used here as a m_______ for desire. etaphor nlike Slide 3
5. Alliteration occurs when words start with the same con______ sounds, such as “fell fast”, or “the slippery, slimy s____”. We saw this in a poem we looked at earlier. Do you remember? sonant nake I'm the Dragon of Grindly Grun, I breathe fire as hot as the sun. 6. Per__________ gives human characteristics to a non______ subject, as in “Let the rain kiss you.” sonification human What words show alliteration in these two lines? ________ and _____ Grindly Grun Slide 4
Besides being able to identify SOS MAP words, you should also be able to identify these other literary devices: D. symbolism B. hyperbole E. idiom G. sarcasm C. understatement A. mood F. cliffhanger __ 1. Highlighting something by surprisingly describing it as if it is less important than it really is __ 2. Ending a chapter at a moment of suspense __ 3. The overall emotion created by a work of literature __ 4. The use of sharp, taunting, or scornful remarks intended to hurt or make fun of someone or something __ 5. An object, person, or event that represents an idea or set of ideas __ 6. An expression that is understood, even though the words do not mean exactly what they say. __ 7. An exaggeration or overstatement A B C F G D E