SciVerse Scopus: Content coverage and title selection Dr Wim J.N. Meester Senior Product Manager Moscow, 18 May 2010
7 million researchers worldwide 1,5 million research articles per year 3 articles published per minute “Average researcher is reading 300+ articles per year” “Researchers can spend up to 31% of time on content related activities”
Scopus: Scanning the horizon for quality research Scopus: a broader view on Science
Broadest source for research answers 17,500 Peer reviewed journals 400 Trade journals 300 Book series A rich and extended coverage including Abstracts and citations from > 5,000 publishers 4,4 Million conference papers (10% of Scopus records) “Articles in Press” from more than 3,750 titles 24 Million Patents 1,200 Open Access journals 80% of all Scopus records have an abstract Abstracts going back to languages covered 315 m integrated scientific websites via Scirus > 18,500 titles
Breadth of coverage across subject areas More than 18,500 titles in Scopus, titles can be in more than one subject area Health Sciences 6,200 (100% Medline) Nursing Dentistry etc., Social Sciences 5,900 Psychology Economics Business A&H etc., Life Sciences 3,950 Neuroscience Pharmacology Biology etc., Physical Sciences 6,350 Chemistry Physics Engineering etc.,
Breadth of coverage across geographical areas l Wider coverage gives a more accurate picture of the research landscape 5, ,700 1,050 1,
Breadth of coverage Russia RussianOther language Number of documents in Scopus with Russian country affiliation in 2006 – Russian titles in Scopus
Publication types Bio- Medicine Physical Sciences EngineeringSocial Sciences Humanities All Sciences Adding other content types in subject areas where it matters most
Broader coverage than nearest peer Scopus (Total: 18,772) Web of Science (Total: 11,419) 8, ,538 “The Scopus surplus”
Broader coverage means more citations Number of citations to most cited articles in WoS and Scopus Scopus has on average 10% more citations per article >7,000 citations for these examples In Thousands Nearest peerScopus
Broader coverage = higher citations
Exponential growth of academic/scholarly journals June 2010
505 And new global leaders are emerging Countries by research output growth rate (%) Low growth rate High growth rate
But these new leaders have relatively low citation rates Countries by average citation count in 2007 Low citation rate High citation rate
Quality selection by independent, international board
Scopus new title suggestions
Technical criteria Eligibility Peer-review English abstracts Regular publication References in Roman script Publication ethics and malpractice statement
Journal policy English language abstracts available All cited references in Roman alphabet Convincing editorial concept/policy Level of peer-review Diversity in provenance of editors Diversity in provenance of authors Quality of content Academic contribution to the field Clarity of abstracts Conformity with journal’s aims & scope Readability of articles Citedness Citedness of journal articles in Scopus Citedness of editors in Scopus Regularity No delay in publication schedule Accessibility Content available online English-language journal home page Quality of home page Scopus selection criteria a combination of quantitative and qualitative measures
Scopus Title Evaluation Process Input Suggest Title Check against pre-conditions OK for Review? Not for review Further enrich titles Review title Make decision External Reviewer Rejection + reasons Setup content feed Feedback decision Y Y N N Publisher CSAB
Top 25 countries suggested titles Under review Not for review Reviewed (n=6156)
Top 25 countries reviewed titles (2011) Rejected Accepted (n=232)
Scholarly titles from the Russian Federation (20%) (13%) Under review by CSAB Suggested for review Accepted Not accepted for review Rejected
Pro-active: Social Sciences and A&H comparison study ERIH (5,186) AERES (5,116) Francis (2,344) Cairn (219) 1,200
Comprehensiveness Adding Publishers’ archives (> 2,650 titles) Planned:
This is an “article number”, not a Page Number New software is being installed to match citations for journals that use this publication method Quality of content and Correctness This is an “article number”, not a Page Number
Tools to improve user experience Datasets
Thank You
Scholarly titles from Spain (14%) (4%) Under review by CSAB Suggested for review Accepted Not accepted for review Rejected
Local initiatives: FECYT (Spain) Excellent Scientific quality Formal quality Basic quality Pre-selection