Getting to know me…
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
MBTI Preference – How We Energize People & action Outwardly-directed Expressive Breadth Interaction People, outside world, things Speaks to think Disclosing Ideas & reflection Inwardly-directed Reflective Depth Introspection Concepts, ideas Thinks to speak Private
MBTI Preference – How We See Things Detail Facts 5 Senses Present-oriented Literal Realistic Concrete, practical Experiential Meanings Possibilities Relationships 6th Sense Future-oriented Figurative Symbolic, abstract Theoretical
MBTI Preference – How We Decide Objective decisions Logical Justice Detached Critique Push for clarity Problem first/ people second Subjective decisions Personal/conviction Mercy Involved Appreciate Push for harmony People first/ problem second
MBTI Preference – Time Management Planned Structured Schedule events Decisive Closure Order Spontaneous Open-ended Adapt to events Flexible Alternatives Random
Where did you seem to fit?
What was your left/right pattern?
MBTI Preference – How We Energize People & action Outwardly-directed Expressive Breadth Interaction People, outside world, things Speaks to think Disclosing Ideas & reflection Inwardly-directed Reflective Depth Introspection Concepts, ideas Thinks to speak Private
MBTI Preference – How We See Things Detail Facts 5 Senses Present-oriented Literal Realistic Concrete, practical Experiential Meanings Possibilities Relationships 6th Sense Future-oriented Figurative Symbolic, abstract Theoretical
MBTI Preference – How We Decide Objective decisions Logical Justice Detached Critique Push for clarity Problem first/ people second Subjective decisions Personal/conviction Mercy Involved Appreciate Push for harmony People first/ problem second
MBTI Preference – Time Management Planned Structured Schedule events Decisive Closure Order Spontaneous Open-ended Adapt to events Flexible Alternatives Random
How do you perceive yourself? Doer Stabilizer Innovator Trailblazer Performer Socializer Clarifier Energizer Strategizer Systematizer Theorizer Designer Experiencer Preserver Idealizer Harmonizer
How do you perceive yourself? Doer (ESTP) Stabilizer (ESTJ) Innovator (ENTP) Trailblazer (ENTJ) Performer (ESFP) Socializer (ESFJ) Clarifier (ENFP) Energizer (ENFJ) Strategizer (ISTP) Systematizer (ISTJ) Theorizer (INTP) Designer (INTJ) Experiencer (ISFP) Preserver (ISFJ) Idealizer (INFP) Harmonizer (INFJ)
REMEMBER: You know yourself better than any test.