Access User Experience Automation User Experience I have the right tools to get the job done Access I can manage anything from anywhere Automation I can reduce errors, complexity, and repetition through automation
Services Remote & Multi-Machine Management Server Management Automation Environment Management Protocols ServerManagerServerManagerMigrationMigrationPowerShellISEPowerShellISEBPABPA BITSBITSWSManWSManWMIWMI PowerShell Engine PS Remoting Automation Platform UXUX RSATRSAT AccessAccess
CIM defines a consistent way to manage everything in your environment
WMI allows formal remote management of Windows
PowerShell enables IT Pros to create their own solutions
WSMan is Web Services access to CIM on heterogeneous devices
WSMan Listener Process (PowerShell Plug-in) WSMan Listener Process (PowerShell Plug-in) WSMan Host Process WSMan Host Process Admin Client PowerShell Client PowerShell Client WSMan Client WSMan Client Managed Server PowerShellSessionPowerShellSession PowerShell Provider WSMan Provider Proxy HTTP(S)WSManHTTP(S)WSMan
PowerShell in Server Core Full Command-line PowerShell Dism /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:MicrosoftWindowsPowerShell Server Manager cmdlets Dism /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:ServerManager-Psh-Cmdlets Import-Module ServerManager Get-WindowsFeature Add-WindowsFeature Remove-WindowsFeature Best Practice Analyzer cmdlets Dism /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:BestPractices-Psh-Cmdlets Import-Module BestPractices Invoke-BPAModel Get-BPAResult Set-BPAResult
Sessions On-Demand & CommunityMicrosoft Certification & Training Resources Resources for IT ProfessionalsResources for Developers Connect. Share. Discuss.
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