Expanding the Depth and Breadth of Understanding C1C Naomi Ballard USAFA
Before Immersion CSLIP Jordan 2009 CSLIP Egypt 2010 Goals of Immersion Results of Immersion What Happens Now?
Misconceptions about Arabs Being Arab and being Muslim are not the same Many Americans use these terms interchangeably Muslim=Terrorist Uncomfortable Differences in dress and appearance Mannerisms Am I going to offend someone?
6 weeks of school in Amman at MALIC
Cultural trips every weekend Madaba, Mt. Nebo Aum Qais, Ajloun, Jerash River Jordan, Dead Sea Jerusalem Petra, Wadi Rum, Aqaba
General Impressions Once people realize you are American, they want to practice their English with you Never met a nation more passionate about their leader Beginning to Westernize Very gentle introduction to the Middle East
6 weeks of school in Cairo at Arab Academy Focus on Vocab, Reading, Speaking, Grammar, and Colloquial
Cultural homework Interviews with locals Buying ingredients for a classic dish at the market Bartering at Khan al-Khalili Cultural trips every weekend Pyramids at Giza Alexandria Islamic Cairo vs. Coptic Cairo Aswan to Luxor Mount Sinai, Dahab
General Impressions Caught between two times Everywhere we went, we were connected to our President They take nothing for granted Immense range of lifestyles in the Middle East
Use the language Not just in class, but on the street Improve listening ability Engage in conversation Broaden my cultural horizons Food: Universal Language Markets Public Transportation
Opportunities to deepen my understanding of their worldview US involvement in the Middle East Marriage vs. divorce Religion Opportunities to broaden and deepen their understanding of Americans Hollywood “Stupid American” When in Rome…
Stay in touch with friends I made Continue my Middle East education Teach those around me Off-color jokes Disparaging terms Generalizations Motivate others to go expand and deepen their understanding Move outside your comfort zone USE THE LANGUAGE