PAP 14 Working Session
PAP 14 Agenda PAP 14 Background Scope Redefinition Discussion –Existing PAP 14 Objectives –Strategies for Prioritizing Prioritizing Criteria Critique and Tool Development Nokhum Presentation Candidate Use Case Lists Next Steps
PAP 14 Objectives Develop strategies to expand and integrate MultiSpeak, IEC 61850, IEC 61968, IEC 61970, IEEE PC (Time Tagging), IEEE PC (COMFEDE) and the future IEEE Common Settings file format for Smart Grid Applications.MultiSpeak Develop a summary of information required from the power system for various Smart Grid applications. Map that information with the already defined models from MultiSpeak, IEC 61970, IEC , and IEC MultiSpeak Coordinate with the SDOs to extend the existing models.
PAP 14 Objectives Continued Identify setting information that is required to perform an automatic verification of the power system configuration to prevent failures due to mis configurations. This information shall include both settings in the devices as well as parameters of the power network that need to be available for verification. – long-term issue (two-year effort) and is Use Case-based; step one: IEEE group work PSRC H5; Coordinate with the SDO to extend the existing standards as a result of defining next generation Smart Grid T&D functions.
JUMP to Twiki –Comfede –Relay Settings S TATUS FROM T WIKI
C Comfede Developed into Full IEEE Standard –Event Model “Superset” of IEC –Followon needed for specific Integration IEEE PSRC: Relay Settings Document Available –Some Categories of Settings Addressed –More needed A CCOMPLISHMENTS WITHIN SDO S
PAP 14 Priority Criteria: Dual Track Priority Criteria Key Application Needs Cross Cutting Applications Big Picture Applications Don’t replicate other PAPs addressing key needs PAP 14 can add “breadth” to other related PAP “Depth” Select a small number of transmission operations functions which have: a.Significant cross-cutting needs b.Are architecturally significant, i.e. Involve most of the actors Require critical performance characteristics Integration, Harmonization, Unification of Field Equipment and Back Office Event Model Integration Relay Setting Standards Electronic Tagging Several Standards to Be Integrated=> Rosetta Stone Key Application NeedsKey Standards Gaps
PAP 14: Transmission and Distribution Power Systems ModelMapping: Scope Perspectives AMI Distribution automation Substation automation WAMAC Wind integration DER integration Power System Resources Controls sensors Communication Infrastructure Data integration Applications Power procurement Market operations Regional Transmission Operator Distribution Control CenterExternal corporations IEC IEC IEC IEC Multispeak IEEE C ASHRAE SSPC 201
IEEE Power System Relay Committee –H5 Relay Settings –H2 Event Model IEEE C (Comfede) –H2 Smart Grid Applications –C2 Relay Information For Smart Grid International Electrotechnical Commission –TC 57 WG 10 Substations (IEC 61850) –TC 57 WG 19 Architecture/Harmonization –TC 57 WG 13 Unified T&D Modeling (CIM) NASPI net –Use Cases SSO S E XECUTING PAP 14 R ELATED W ORK
Rescope to Key Priority Areas –Cross Cutting Standards Issues –Key Application Development Focus on Transmission Applications and Integration with Distribution and Customers Initial Focus on Transmission Bus Load Model Scope PAP 14 Against the Backdrop of the Following –Other PAP work related to Transmission –Work taking place (or not taking place within SDO’s) Use Priority Process to Rescope S TRATEGY
PAPs related to PAP Vehicles Wind Distribution Automation Storage 2 1 DNP/61850 Pricing DR Customer Data PAP 14 “Breadth” Phasors/Time
PAP 14 Scoping Criteria and Scoring System Applications Track –1A Critical Applications Development –1B Supports Cross Cutting Applications –1C Provides Breadth to Complement Depth of Other PAPs –1D Supports Applications not Covered by Others Key Standards Issues –2A Complements SDO Work Underway –2B Assists in Development of Key Interfaces Between Standards/Application Domains –2C Assists Harmonization/Integration/Unification –2D Specifically Identified Priority in PAP Charter: Relay Settings –2E Specifically Identified Priority in PAP Charter: Events
1A Critical Applications Development –Critical to SG:”5”….Not Critical to SG: “0” 1B Supports Cross Cutting Applications –Cuts Domain/Environments “5” No Cross: “0” 1C Provides Breadth to Complement Depth of Other PAPs –Breadth: “5” Narrowly focused “0” 1D Supports Applications not Covered by Others –No One Else Covering: “5”, Covered by Others “0” A PPLICATIONS T RACK S CORING
2A Complements SDO Work Underway –Complements “5” Duplicates SDO work: “0 “ 2B Assists in Development of Key Interfaces Between Standards/Application Domains –Assists: “5”, Isolated “0” 2C Assists Harmonization/Integration/Unification –Assists in Stds Integration;”5” Stand alone: “0” 2D Specifically Identified Priorities in PAP Charter: Relay Settings 2E Specifically Identified Priorities in PAP Charter: Events K EY S TANDARDS I SSUES C RITERIA AND S CORING
Proposed Priority Process Finalize Initial List of Candidate Use Cases Define Criteria for Prioritizing Recruit and Send out directions to PAP 14 participants for selecting If you are interested in participating please send an to
Jump to Nokhum Presentation
A CTIVE D ISTRIBUTION N ETWORKS (ADN) H IGH PENETRATION OF : –Load dependent on Real-time pricing Embedded DER Demand Response PEV Technology Other –Large DER/ES/MG dependent on Weather Technology Maintenance Price Volt/var control mode and settings Protection settings –Load Shedding Remedial Action Schemes dependent on Operations of MG (connected – autonomous) Load behavior (see above) Overlapping with other schemes Changing priorities Pre-armed settings –DMS applications dependent on Objectives Available tolerances Available controls
A GGREGATED L OAD OF ADN AT T RANSMISSION B USES Significant deviations from conforming (typical, proportional) load shapes Significantly changing load-to-voltage dependences due to –Embedded DER –DER with Volt/Var control capabilities in different modes –DER/MG with voltage protection –Intermittent operations of DER –Changing combinations, mode of operations, and settings of voltage and var controlling devices –Demand Response with different PF Significantly changing load-to-frequency dependences due to –Embedded DER –DER/MG with frequency protection –Intermittent operations of DER –Changing number of DER on-line –Different frequency control capabilities Short-tem predictability (minutes)
A RCHITECTURALLY C RITICAL I NFORMATION E XCHANGES FOR THE SHG SCADA data PMU data Data on the behavior of Active Distribution Networks under normal and emergency conditions
A GGREGATION OF I NFORMATION ON ADN IN T RANSMISSION B US L OAD M ODEL (TBLM) Aggregated models of –Distributed Energy Resources and their behavior under normal and emergency conditions Controllable and uncontrollable reactive power resources Demand Response and its behavior VVWO behavior PEV performance Aggregated MW and Mvar dependences on voltage Aggregated MW and Mvar dependences on frequency ( Dispatchable real and reactive loads via: –VVWO –Demand Response –DER control –Emergency Load Shedding
P RE -ARMINGOFI SLA NDINGREQUIRES Prediction of real power balance in the potential island (frequency) Prediction of reactive power balance in the potential island (voltage) –Islands are formed to minimize the load-generation imbalance Prediction of the reaction of the Active Distribution Network (~ 20% of DER, Micro-grids, Demand Response, VVWO, etc.) Adaptive near-real-time analyses based on Transmission model update PMU data Reaction of the Active Distribution Network
Two-area load-rich potential island (before the separation) Disconnected Connected G11G12 G21G22 P-jQ Load 1 Load 2 UFLS, UVLS for Sub-Area 1 DER1/MG DER2/MG UFLS, UVLS for Sub-Area 2 Area 1 Area 2 Pt-jQt VVWO DR
Two-area load-rich island (after the separation) Disconnected Connected G11G12 G21G22 Load 1 Load 2 UFLS, UVLS for Sub-Area 1 DER1/MG DER2 /MG UFLS, UVLS for Sub-Area 2 Area 1 Area 2 VVWO DR P-jQ
Q UESTIONS TO BE ANSWERED BY THE ANALYSES OF POTENTIAL ISLANDING Is the load-generation imbalance manageable during the island situation? –Will DER separate due to frequency or voltage, or both – with or without load? –Will the weak tie be overloaded? –Is the load shedding sufficient, etc.? –Are the priorities of load shedding adequate? –How will the situation develop during prolong islanding? –What is the latency and the possible contribution of Demand Response and VVWO? –What is the risk (uncertainty) factor? What re-coordination of protection and RAS would be needed?
??? What is the expected cold-load pickup? What is the latency and possibilities of DER resynchronization? What should be the priorities of load restoration? The TBLM should contain information that is needed to answer these questions. Questions Continued
I NFORMATION AND CONTROL FLOWS T&G devices Subst. LTC, Shunts, SVC DMS DOMA VVWO FLIR Emerg. apps AMI DER/ES/MG DR PEV Load model Processor Topology Processor TBLM Processor TBLM Topology model PMU SCADA EMS SE CA SCD Pre-arm Restora- tion ……… RAS DSCADA Data Control Distribution domain T&G domains
P RIORITY U SE C ASES FOR O PERATIONS OF SHG, ADDRESSING THE CROSS - CUTTING OVER DOMAINS Creation and updates of Transmission Bus Load Model State Estimation Contingency Analyses with prioritization based on PMU and TBLM Security Constrained Dispatch – for preventive measures Pre-arming of Corrective Measures Restoration after emergency Need to use PMU and TBLM
Need PAP 14 subgroup to help integrate prospective use cases from variety of sources and cull the list down for the priority tool Identify Sources of Transmission Operations Use Cases Categorize into Hierarchy Populate Tool with Use Case Listings for Priorities Forward Priority Tool to SDO’s, Consortia, and T&D DEWG USE C ASE L IST AND T OOL C OMPLETION S TRATEGY
PAP 14 Introduced List from Transmission Bus Load Model List from EPRI Intelligrid/ IKB List from EPRI Harmonization Documents (on PAP 14 Twiki) List from IEEE PSRC H2, C2, H5, H7 List from NASPI net Possible List from PAP 13 (Need to Identify for Wide Area Measurement and Control…Phasor based) USE C ASE L ISTS
PAP 14 Introduced Use Cases Fault Location Automated Fault Analysis Back-up protection Protective relay application testing State Estimation Electronic Tagging
IEEE PES Power Systems Relay Committee (PSRC) H2 Use Cases Dynamic Settings based on Real-Time Conditions Reclosing Supervision Based on Smart Grid Data Conservation Voltage Reduction Fault Location Applications of Power Quality Data Time Management (Local and Wide Area) Applications of GOOSE Distributed Energy Resources Protection Load Shedding and Load Based Applications H2 Applications for Smart Grid, Chair Mark Simon
Extra: SGIP Rosetta Stone Project Development
Rosetta Stone Background Background and Need –Several PAPs Working on Application Level Communications (Semantics) within their respective application space –Several Standards Exist and In Development to codify semantics for Smart Grid –Generic Need for Harmonization/Integration/Unification of Standards for Application Level Communications –Need to avoid replication of work within SDOs working on PAPs Objectives –Evaluate Approaches and Methods to appropriately Harmonize/Integrate/Unify Smart Grid Standards –Develop common methods and tools to H/I/U existing and developing standards across different operating environments –Develop Contributions to SDOs and User Groups as Appropriate
RosettaStoneProjectInDevelopment Approach –Identify Standards from PAP Requirements and documentation needing H/I/U –Evaluate Prior Work related to Harmonization, Integration or Unification (i.e. IEC under TC88 has mappings to five other standards) –Identify Key Related SDO Activity (i.e. IEC TC57 WG 19, Other) –Close Cooperation with SGAC Semantic Working Party –Investigate Methods to Integrate Standards as Appropriate Use of Unified Modeling Language, Use of OWL, Development of XML Schema, Id Syntax and Structure and Remaining Issues –Develop Recommendations for H/I/U development that can be applied by respective PAP development work Status: Initial Draft Statement of Work: Discussed in T&D DEWG, Tech Champions. Next Draft…May develop under SGAC Semantics
PAPRelationships:SGIPSGACActivitiesContinued Semantic Working Group –Whitepaper –Semantic Terms Paper –Technical Approach Development in Progress – sggrid/bin/view/SmartGrid/SGIPSemanticModelSGAC Security Working Group –NISTIR Integration –PAP Specific Work Items
PAP Development and Relationships Activity –Cross PAP Issues Twiki: sggrid/bin/view/SmartGrid/CrossPAPIssues –Cross PAP Dependency Matrix with Narratives –Some PAP Descriptions Contain PAP to PAP Relationship Narratives –Rosetta Stone Project Draft
IKB Information Objects: –Applications Level Communications Integration –Currently Identifying Targeted Standards by PAP IKB Use Cases – Requirements Archiving by PAP Model Development sggrid/bin/view/SmartGrid/InteroperabilityKnowledgeBase
Generic Standards Integration Harmonization Issues
Proposed Methods to Integrate Standards
IEC / IEC IEC Configuration Run Time
Generic Harmonization Strategy Development
Modeling Difference For How Measurements are Associated with Topology