Joanne Smith University of Bolton
To reflect upon this project and give some of the background To examine the initial vision and look at how this developed To look at those who were involved in the development To consider the curriculum development To look at the achievements and challenges
An initial approach was made by the hospice to the University An outline of the pilot and its aims was discussed Steering group was set up with partners / interest groups Aiming to develop the Assistant Practitioner role in End of Life / Palliative Care
The development was very much around collaboration With a curriculum which has been responsive to the sector, with a combination of core and specialist modules The main aim was to develop understanding and learning Developing skills to increase abilities and confidence With specialist to meet more specific needs
To consider what could be drawn upon To engage with managers and mentors to develop the partnership Draw up job descriptions / consider competencies and job role To look at the workforce to see who would wish to engage Be informed by the End of Life Care Strategy
Widening opportunity Linking theory with practice Giving recognition to the tacit skills which exist within the work place Building upon skills and give recognition to new possibilities within the workforce Increasing the skills and knowledge leading to an expanding work force at band 4
YEAR 1 Communication and ICT Principles of Care Health, Safety and Emergency Care Using Evidence Legal and Ethical Issues Introduction to Social Policy
Core Modules: Planning Care Delivery Group Dynamics and Working in Teams Collaborative Health and Social Care Specialist: Long Term Conditions Clinical Skills
Historical perspective around death and dying Attitudes in society and labelling Ethical issues and dilemma’s Family and Carers experiences Communications Preferred place of care and choices Legislation, Pathways & Treatments Empowerment and Advocacy Compassionate person-centred care
Varied backgrounds Across a number of organisations Breadth of health and social care experience Different former learning experiences Different levels of confidence and abilities Different expectations All wanting to learn and become more able in terms of role development
There are challenges which the learner and the university experience Why is it challenging?
Highly dedicated and motivated group of learners Engaged well working in groups and independently Grew in confidence and competence Understanding and knowledge increased Thinking about the future and wanting to make a more responsive person centred services