Maggie Ward Goodbody Director 15 October 2014


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Presentation transcript:

Maggie Ward Goodbody Director 15 October 2014 Academic Skills Centre ASC Opening Reception Maggie Ward Goodbody Director 15 October 2014

Academic Skills Centre Our vision … that the University of Bath is recognised as a world leader in delivering excellence in academic skills support, development and enhancement

HEAD OF ACADEMIC SKILLS RESOURCES Who we are Stakeholder quadrant Maggie Ward Goodbody DIRECTOR of ACADEMIC SKILLS CENTRE Sarah Turpin HEAD OF ACADEMIC SKILLS RESOURCES ASC Office Karen Spillard - ASC Operations Manager Emma Stagg – Finance & Admissions Officer Heather Brunt – Admissions Officer Lucy O’Driscoll - Course Administrator Jenn Sheppard - IELTS Administrator Heather Lord – IELTS Administrative Assistant COURSE LEADERS Tim Ratcliffe - PS 1, 2 & 3 Carl Ellis - PSP 1, 2 & 3 Nathalie Vermeire – PSG4 Thomas Rewhorn - PSG5 Joanna Lewis - PSM4 Anastasia Bouhoutsos -PSM5   Tom Reid – In-sessional Michael Groves - In-sessional Diana Hopkins - APCS Lisa Stagg – ELAC Learning Resources Kevin Renfrew – Technology Enhanced Learning & Digital Resources Development Officer SALC Chang He – Manager IELTS Shelley Bromley and Petra Pekova – IELTS Officers Social Programme Tim Greeves – Social Programme & Student Welfare Manager TEACHING FELLOWS Otter Baker, Noreen Bannigan, Jackie Browning, Dawn Chalmers, Kathy Dixon, Tim Francis, Martin Griffiths, Helen Haynes, Grace Macmillan, John Ramsay, Jeremy Sanders, Jane Singleton Mary Forbes HEAD OF PRE-SESSIONAL Miranda Armstrong HEAD OF IN-SESSIONAL WRITING LEADER – Jackie Dannatt Note we have 3 strands PS – continuing the year-round and intensive summer pre-sessional provision

Academic Skills Centre What we are here for: to support the academic community in enhancing the student experience to deliver, develop and signpost Academic Skills across the institution working in partnership with Academic Departments and Professional Services

Academic Skills Centre What we mean by Academic Skills A composite of the transferable skills that are required of and developed in academic study and research This includes: Structure and presentation of academic discourse Production of academic discourse Presentation and analysis of data Critical reading Communication of ideas, reading and research through speech and writing Creative and critical thinking Independent learning Respect for the work of others Strategies for study (study skills) Application of mathematics and statistics

Academic Skills Centre Our current activities Academic Skills programme open for all students Curriculum-embedded Academic and Professional Communication Skills (18 undergraduate programmes in 16 departments) Pre-sessional Programme – preparing over 370 international students for PG study at Bath Self Access Language Centre – open 71 hours/week for students/staff Embedding an ASC presence in University-wide marketing activities Reviewing and redeveloping the ASC’s and Skills for Study web pages Meeting with academic staff to identify development opportunities for online learning materials

What is new this semester Academic Skills Centre What is new this semester Writing Centre – daily drop-in sessions (3 West 2.1) tutorials for students doctoral writing group workshops staff writing retreats

Academic Skills Centre Our work-in-progress Developing and enhancing the Academic Skills programme to increase breadth, flexibility and accessibility for all students Working collaboratively to define the University’s Academic Skills offer informed by an institution-wide skills review Establishing the Writing Centre – locally, nationally and internationally Building the internal profile of the SALC to support students/staff needs Establishing exploratory projects with departments to develop customisable/scalable online materials for academic skills Developing and enhancing the Pre-sessional programme to maximise value for international student recruitment and meet departments’ needs Developing effective and reciprocal signposting between Professional Services and departments to enhance student experience

Academic Skills Centre Our future plans Expand and develop discipline-specific focus in academic skills provision Improve visibility of the University’s Academic Skills offer – physical and virtual Develop Academic Skills offer for all levels of UG and PGT Develop tailored offer to support transition to PGR and for PGR students Develop an international Writing Centre Work with Students’ Union to accredit academic skills for all students Provide seamless transition for students from academic skills into wider employability/life skills Continue to increase national/international profile of ASC to enhance the University’s reputation

Academic Skills Centre Contact us: Maggie Ward Goodbody, Director ext. 6191 Mary Forbes, Head of Pre-sessional ext. 3138 Miranda Armstrong, Head of In-sessional ext. 5122 Sarah Turpin, Head of Academic Skills Resources ext. 4355 Karen Spillard, Operations Manager ext. 5948

Academic Skills Centre