James Westhead Executive Director, External Relations
A child on free school meals has half the chance of basic qualifications 36% of poorer pupils achieved 5 good GCSEs including English & Maths, compared to 63% for their wealthier peers. A child from low-income home has half the chance of attending an outstanding school according to Ofsted inspections over last decade A human and an economic cost which affects us all The attainment gap between rich and poor costs the UK an estimated £1.3 trillion in reduced GDP Why Teach First? The UK is a world leader in education inequality
How? Great teaching – where it is needed most Great teaching and leadership are the most important factors in education - particularly for those from disadvantaged backgrounds A top teacher can put a pupil over a year’s worth of learning ahead of a pupil with a poor teacher (Hanushek, 2010) The difference between an excellent and a poor teacher means more than a GCSE grade in a subject (IPPR, 2008) Only 1 in 10 newly-qualified teachers would consider working in schools in challenging circumstances. And in these schools, around half the teachers left every year (TDA, 2008).
What? Teach First does.. Recruits and trains high-potential leaders to teach in schools serving low-income communities Two-year leadership programme leading to a PGCE. We then support ambassadors to tackle educational disadvantage inside and outside the classroom (Most stay) Grown from 183 participants in our first year to 1,261 in 2013 – making it the UK’s largest graduate recruiter - 10% of Oxbridge final years apply Research shows significant impact with on average departments moving from 10% behind to 15 % ahead in GCSE results.
Initial Teacher Training - Wider Landscape Need 35,000 student teachers a year Biggest changes in ITT for decades Tougher Entry & Financial incentives Shift from Universities to Schools
Schools Direct Programme Training places allocated to Schools Schools train on the job - ‘Grow your own’ Schools select University partner Growing fast – 15,000 places next year Academy Chains & Teaching Schools taking lead Big cultural change for schools
Challenges & Opportunities o Risk of teacher shortage, subject mismatch, lack of strategic planning o Possible university closures, loss of expertise o School-specific training may undermine breadth of ‘traditional’ PGCE Innovation & new ideas Training tailored to need Culture of professional development New market for products & support