Extended Project Qualification 2014 The project process:
To plan and complete an original and individual project
Why do humans make art?
To what extent have the original Brothers’ Grimm fairy tales influenced children’s literature?
Thinking creatively “Creativity is the process of having original ideas that have value.” Sir Ken Robinson
“ Creativity is about finding a way to get closer to the things I am most curious about.”
What have the moon landings taught us about life on earth?
Moon dust by Neil Armstrong
Cold Dark Matter by Cornelia Parker What would happen if I exploded a garden shed?
“I resurrect things that have been killed off... My work is all about the potential of materials - even when it looks like they've lost all possibilities.” Artist Cornelia Parker
A definition Creativity is about discovering possibility.
In our element “ The element is the place where the things we love to do and the things we are good at come together.” Sir Ken Robinson
Creativity is the future Sir Ken argues in his book that businesses everywhere say that they need people who are creative and can think independently. The extended project allows you to go beyond the curriculum. It allows you to take charge for a change.
What never bores you?
What is the most interesting thing you’ve ever read or explored?
If you were to set a business making something or selling something what would that thing be?
If you were going to invent a new A level course what subject would you choose?
A Level Wildlife Studies
What are you most curious about?
Make your mark