BY: Kane and Brandon
What is Cloning ? Cloning is the process of making copies of an organism using its own genetic material extracted from a somatic cell.
How is it Done First you must extract a somatic cell from the organism you wish to clone. Second you must extract the nucleus of the somatic cell Then you must implant the nucleus of the somatic cell into a blank egg cell. Finally you implant the egg into the womb of a surrogate for the egg to develop.
Pros You can “resurrect” extinct organisms You can remake body parts such as ears or hearts You can make a CLONE ARMY!!! (Brandon)
Cons Cloning attempts are highly susceptible to failure Most clones suffer from extreme physical defects/ health problems. It is very cost ineffective
Personal Beliefs (Kane) Cloning is a good idea if it is controlled. In my opinion the cloning of stem cells is a good idea because you can then create new body parts that can save lives or give someone abilities they once had. I think the cloning of complete organisms is a bad idea because the potential for problems is too great.
Personal Beliefs (Brandon) If we learn to clone people it wont be good so I don’t think its a good idea. So cloning is not a good thing to do