Washington County 5-Year Pavement Management Program WHAT: Develop a plan similar to a 5-year Capital Improvement Program for construction projects Begin by developing 5-year plan for roadways Develop written guidelines for pavement management strategies Possibly expand scope to include Park and Recreation Department’s trail system and Facilities Department’s parking lots
Washington County 5-Year Pavement Management Program WHY: Plans are usually developed two months before letting, without looking towards the future Optimize $1.2 million budget (currently use $1.1 million for overlays and $100,000 for crackseal) Introduce new strategies to reduce existing backlog and extend pavement life
Washington County 5-Year Pavement Management Program HOW: Utilize existing ICON database (won’t be using won’t GIS in the near future) Incorporate subgrade data, subgrade data, subgrade data and traffic volume data to assist in determining strategies Introduce additional strategies such as microsurfacing, macrosurfacing and cold-inplace- recycling (CIR) Perform cost analysis
Washington County 5-Year Pavement Management Program WORK COMPLETED: ICON data updated Road survey completed (adds commentary to supplement ICON data) Cost comparison spreadsheet is being developed Road Rater data previously obtained for 2/3 of County