Georgia Pavement Management System Development 1997 – 1998: l A quality-based on-site pavement condition evaluation system l A KBS for diagnosing the causes of pavement distresses 1998 – 2000: l An Oracle client/server GIS-based pavement information management and analysis system l Pavement treatment criteria l Deterioration models 2000 – 2002: l Pavement performance prediction l Pavement performance optimization l Pavement section characteristics and pavement treatment history 2000 – 2004: l Need Analysis for Pavements – Simulation and Optimization l Concrete Pavement Management
Historical Traffic Data Construction, Rehabilitation and Maintenance Cost Data EXTERNAL DATABASES Pavement Condition Evaluation Treatment Determination Need Analysis Multiple-year prioritization and optimization DATABASES Historical Pavement Condition Data Historical Pavement Profile Data Pavement Design and As Built Material Property Data Historical Daily Maintenance Activity Data Deterioration Models Pavement Performance Forecasting GIS visualization, spatial analysis and mapping. Daily Maintenance Activity Planning and Scheduling Pavement Profile Coring Economic Analysis DATA MANAGEMENT DECISION SUPPORT KBS Network Analysis Components of A Conceptual IT-based Framework DATA ACQUISITION OPERATIONS KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY
Pavement Performance Forecasting, Optimization, and Simulation Historical Pavement distress condition Where, when, what to treat Pavement Performance Forecasting, optimization, and Simulation models INPUT 4. Future pavement performance visualization and spatial analysis Optimization models Simulation models Deterioration models GIS mapping, visualization and spatial analysis Historical traffic condition Given funding Forecasting time frame (5 or 10 year later) Treatment Determination 2. Funding balance among congressional districts OUTPUT 1. Avg. statewide composite future performance index 3. Workload balance among working districts
Georgia Pavement Management (GPAM) Additional modules
PMM Practices in GDOT l 18, 000 mile centerline highway. l 7 working districts. l Pavement surveyed annually with about 60 engineers. l 10 different types of distresses surveyed (i.g. load cracking) l Project rating is between 0 and 100. l More than 15 years of survey data (1986 – 2001) l Survey data used to determine suitable maintenance and rehabilitation strategies. l Total miles of projects treated are subject to budget availability. l 13 Congressional districts in Georgia and the budget for each district should be balanced.
Field Data Acquisition Field data acquisition is performed through COPACES module in GPAM.
Functions for Management - Rating Distribution By Districts
Functions for Operation - Visualization and Identification of Project-level Pavement Information
Spatial Analysis for Visualizing and Quantifying Pavement Information for Different Jurisdictions Total Miles for Projects with Rating Values Less Than and Equal to 80 in Each Congressional District
Historical Project Rating Distribution
Projected funding balance among GDOT working district and congressional district Funding type distribution and funding availability Simulate and Visualize the Future Pavement Performance for A Given Decision
Simulate and Visualize the Future Pavement Performance for A Given Decision (cont.) Projects to be treated in each GDOT working district Projects to be treated in each congressional district Projected future pavement performance