National Transportation Operations Coalition: Work Zone Traffic Analysis Strategies Webinar FHWA: Daniel Grate Noblis: Dr. Karl Wunderlich Matthew Hardy.


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Presentation transcript:

National Transportation Operations Coalition: Work Zone Traffic Analysis Strategies Webinar FHWA: Daniel Grate Noblis: Dr. Karl Wunderlich Matthew Hardy 9 July 2008

2 Overview Introduction & Welcome Topic 1: Perspectives on Work Zone Traffic Analysis Strategies Topic 2: Decision-Making Process and Work Zone Traffic Analysis Topic 3: Issues in Work Zone Traffic Analysis Conclusions

3 Topic 1: Perspectives on Work Zone Traffic Analysis Strategies

4 Goal & Key Messages Goal – Develop guidance for state and local DOTs on the effective use of traffic analysis tools to assist in the planning, design and operation of work zones Key Messages – No single “correct” tool for all work zone analyses – Effective work zone analysis and tool selection depends on schedule and resource constraints data availability and quality work zone characteristics decisions that need to be supported

5 Products Traffic Analysis Tools Volume VIII: A Guide for Decision-Makers Traffic Analysis Tools Volume IX: A Guide for Analysts Case Studies are a critical component: – Project Applications – Strategic Modeling Approaches

6 Case Studies Project Applications Woodrow Wilson Bridge – Lane Closure Analysis (WWB-LCA) – Roadway Operations Analysis (WWB-ROA) – Roadway Closure Analysis (WWB-RCA) California: I-15 Pavement Reconstruction (CA I-15) Nova Scotia, Canada: Reeves Street (NS-Reeves) Glacier National Park: Going to the Sun Road Rehabilitation Project (GNP) Zion National Park: Entrance Booth Reconstruction (ZION) Yosemite National Park: Yosemite Village Roadway Reconstruction (YOS) Utah: I-15 Reconstruction Design-Build Evaluation (UT I-15) Detroit, Michigan – Ambassador Gateway Bridge MOTSIM (MI AMB) – I-94 Rehab MOTSIM (MI I-94) – I-75 Trade Corridor MOTSIM (MI I-75)

7 Case Studies Strategic Modeling Approaches New Jersey Turnpike Authority: Lane Closure Application Wisconsin DOT: Transportation Management Plan Development Process Michigan DOT: Southeastern Michigan Simulation Network (SEMSIM)

8 Case Study Locations Project Applications Strategic Modeling Approaches KEY

9 Topic 2: Decision-Making Process and Work Zone Traffic Analysis

10 Decision-Making Engine

11 Decision Making in the Project Life Cycle Program Delivery Process Work Zone Traffic Analysis Decision-Making Process

12 Decision-Making Process planningpe/designconstruction

13 Planning Initial assumptions may emerge Strongest connections between application and scheduling Many scenarios are tested and many changes are made Case Study Example: Going to the Sun Road, Glacier National Park

14 PE/Design Stronger connection between scheduling and application Traffic control becomes more important Scheduling and application decisions create constraints Case Study Example: M-10 Lodge Freeway, Detroit, Michigan

15 Construction Application technique finalized Limited flexibility to change project schedule Traffic control plans have been developed; some adaptation may be possible due to schedule Case Study Example: Woodrow Wilson Bridge, Northern Virginia

16 Impact of Decisions planningpe/designconstruction data requirements modeling opportunities decision evolution data requirements modeling opportunities

17 Topic 3: Issues in Work Zone Traffic Analysis

18 Factors in Selecting a Work Zone Analysis Tool Work Zone Characteristics Transportation Management Plan Data Availability and Quality Agency Resources Performance Measures

19 Work Zone Characteristics Type – I: Affects a a large number of traveler at the regional scale, with high public interest, significant user cost impacts and a long duration. – II: Similar to Type I but moderate impact. – III: Similar to Type I but low impact. – IV: Short-duration work zone with low visibility and public interest Configuration – Isolated: Single work zone with limited interaction of surrounding infrastructure. – Pipe: Single work zone with limited interaction of surrounding infrastructure. – Network: Connected, inter-dependent network structure with multiple access points and alternate routes. Geographic Scale – Small, Medium, Large Analysis Area – Site, Local, Metropolitan

20 Case Studies: Project Applications Characteristic Summary

21 Transportation Management Plan Temporary Traffic Control – Control Strategies – Traffic Control Devices – Coordination/Contracting/Innovative Construction Strategies CA I-15 CA4PRS Application Public Information – Public Awareness Strategies WWB Roadway Closure Analysis – Motorist Information Strategies Transportation Operations – Demand Management Strategies – Corridor/Network Management – Work Zone Safety Management UT I-15 Work Zone Safety Analysis – Traffic Incident Management and Enforcement

22 Data Availability and Quality

23 Agency Resources Institutional Arrangements Technical Staff Funding Schedule

24 Performance Measures Travel Time Delay Queue Length Speed Volume User Cost Incidents Cumulative Impact

25 Choosing a Modeling Approach

26 Modeling Spectrum Simple Complex Sketch PlanningHCMMesoMicro Highway Capacity Manual DynasmartCORSIMHCS 2000EMME/2QuickZone Limited Rough Estimation ShorterLimitedLowerComprehensive Precise Calculation LongerRequiredHigher LEVEL OF DETAIL FUNCTIONALITY TRAINING COST TIME Macro QUEWZ-98

27 Comprehensive Work Zone Analysis Methodologies

28 Identifying a Modeling Approach Modeling Risk Frontier Significant Technical Risk Modeling Opportunities low high Level of Detail Resource Availability

29 Identifying a Modeling Approach Work Zone Case Studies New Jersey Turnpike LCA WWB-LCA ZION CA I-15 (planning) WWB-RCA UT I-15 CA I-15 (operations) WWB WWB-ROA lowhigh medium low high medium Significant Technical Risk Level of Detail Resource Availability Detroit, MI SEMSIN

30 Identifying a Modeling Approach Work Zone Modeling Tool Selection lowhigh medium low high medium Significant Technical Risk Level of Detail Resource Availability Sketch Planning & HCM Macroscopic (Pipe) Travel Demand Model (Network) Mesoscopic (Network) Mesoscopic (Pipe) Microscopic (Multi-scale) Microscopic

31 Conclusions Results from models serve to improve overall understanding of forces affecting work zone decision-making. – mobility, financial, environmental and safety Modeling should never be used to make key decisions but a trusted resource identifying the potential mobility impacts informing key decisions. Value of analysis is directly related to the context for analysis and the context for validation. Work zone analysis extends beyond running the model and reporting results. – Must provide decision-makers with a broader understanding that connects the findings of the analysis within the decision-making context.

32 Available Resources FHWA Office of Operations, Work Zone Safety and Mobility Program – Work Zone Impacts Assessment: An Approach to Assess and Manage Work Zone Safety and Mobility Impacts of Road Projects – FHWA Traffic Analysis Toolbox (TAT) – FHWA Work Zone Mobility and Safety Program Best Practices Guide –