165th St. Improvement Project Hugo City Council Meeting March 17, 2014
Pavement rehabilitation project Neighborhood Meeting held November 14, 2013 Public Hearing held February 3, 2014 Neighborhood Meeting held February 24, 2014 Background
Mill/overlay existing pavement –Approximately 7-inches of pavement –Mill top 2-3 inches and place new pavement Culvert replacement – Ingersoll Minor drainage improvements Review roadway striping (no-passing zones) Proposed Improvements
Speed limits –City Council authorized speed study (MnDot) Mar 3, 2014 –Review 165 th /Ingersoll curve advisory speed 165 th /Ingersoll intersection realignment –Traffic data/resident feedback not supportive –Not recommended with project Roadway widening –Costs/impacts reviewed and discussed –Not recommended with project Other Project Components
Mill/overlay cost estimate:$1,200,000 –Assessments$99,000 –City state-aid road funds$1,101,000 Assessments - $1,800 per unit Crack fill/seal coat in 2-4 years Project Costs/Financing
Project Schedule Neighborhood meetingNov 14, 2013 City Council updateNov 18, 2013 Public Hearing (held and closed)Feb 3, 2014 Neighborhood meetingFeb 24, 2014 Council consider Ordering ProjectMarch 17, 2014 Plan/Specification PreparationMar-Apr, 2014 Neighborhood Open House plansApril 2014 Project BiddingMay 2014 Award Construction ContractMay-June 2014 Construction June-Sept 2014 Assessment HearingSept 2014
Next Steps City Council consider Resolution Ordering Project –Mill/overlay project –Do not include 165 th /Ingersoll realignment –Do not include roadway widening
City Assessment Policy Rural Res. mill/overlay$1,800/unit –Direct frontage –Access Corner lots prorated Subdividable lots –Multiple unit assessment –Zoning classification –Wetlands/existing buildings 0.5 unit 165 th Street Harrow Ave.
465 cars/day 265 cars/day
55 MPH 35 MPH 45 MPH Curve
Project Options
No improvements –Leave the roadway as-is –No culvert replacement –Review 165 th /Ingersoll curve (signage/speed limit) Mill/Overlay Full Reconstruction Project Options
Mill existing pavement –Approximately 7-inches of pavement –Mill top 2-3 inches and place new pavement –Remove pavement within 165 th /Ingersoll curve Culvert replacement – Ingersoll Minor drainage improvements Expect 15 years of pavement life Mill and Overlay
165 th /Ingersoll Curve