Birmingham Wheelie Bins are coming! Fleet and Waste Management 8/wheelie-bin-roll-out-video/
* Socks * Apple Core * Milk Carton * Vest * Disposable nappies * Cigarette butts * Cardboard box * Plastic bottle * Aluminium Can * Plastic drink holder * Polystyrene cup * Cotton Shirt * Plywood * Newspaper * Tin can
Recycling Bin with a blue lid Rubbish bin with a black lid
* Inside the wheelie bin for recycling is a paper pod for all your paper and cardboard
* Make sure all the cereal or other food boxes have no food left in them.
* Milk, Juice tetra cartons, egg boxes and toilet roll tubes * Dirty tissues and kitchen roll * Paper cups and dirty paper plates * Plastic film or wrapping * Photographs * Polystyrene packaging * Waxed or laminated paper OH NO! Not in the paper Pod!
* All these things need to be rinsed out to stop insects and animals being attracted to them!
* Food Waste * Paint or other non food items * Drinking glasses * Broken crockery or cooking equipment * Black food trays * Carrier bags & black sacks * Hard plastics-plant pots, watering cans * Light bulbs and mirrors * Plastic film or wrappers * Paper and grey/white card * Plastic wrappings or cling film, or bubble wrap * Polystyrene * Batteries * corks * Crisp packets and sweet wrappers * Light bulbs OH NO! Not in the Recycle Bin!
* All house hold rubbish goes in the Rubbish Wheelie bin!
* Garden Waste-Your parents can pay separately to have the garden waste collected * Anything that can go into the POD or recycle bin * Clean paper (see black box) * Cardboard (see blue lidded bin) * Light bulbs * Electrical Items * DIY or builders waste OH NO! Not in the rubbish bin!
* Put your wheelie bins on the pavement on the outside of your garden. * Only put them out on the night before they are emptied - when it is dark.
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