The Way Forward – A 21 st –Century Transportation Plan Frank DePaola, P.E. Administrator, Highway Division April 2013 Massachusetts Department of Transportation
May 9, 2015| Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | Highway Construction Expenditures by Source
May 9, 2015| Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | Highway Construction Expenditures by Type
May 9, 2015| Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | MEGA PROJECTS
May 9, 2015| Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | MassDOT Pavement in Excellent or Good Condition (CRSI)
May 9, 2015| Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence |
May 9, 2015| Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | Projected ABP Spending (By State Fiscal Year)
May 9, 2015| Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | Available Toll Revenue
May 9, 2015| Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | Forecasted MHS Spending
May 9, 2015| Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | I-90 over I-95, Charles St., the Charles R., and MBTA/CSX RR, Newton/Weston Built in the mid-1960s Structure over CSX/MBTA RR is SD Structure over I-95/Charles River’s deck and superstructure are rated 5; substructure rated 6 Additional lanes should be added ADT up to 104,393 MHS funding
May 9, 2015| Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence |
May 9, 2015| Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | State of Good Repair Priorities – The Next 10 Years
May 9, 2015| Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | State of Good Repair Priorities – The Next 10 Years Bridge Program $1.175 billion 1/3 of the proposed funding would be used for regional projects and the remainder would be used to accelerate repairs to bridges. Multimodal Highway Program $1.25 billion Would fund a statewide portfolio of hundreds of local and regional projects. Highway Preservation Facilities & Systems $400 million For municipal programs; roadside traffic and travel information; and completion of an integrated asset management system.
May 9, 2015| Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities $430 million Dedicated funding to construct and improve bicycle and pedestrian facilities owned/managed by both MassDOT and the Department of Conservation & Recreation. Chapter 90 $1.0 billion An additional $100 million per year to increase the annual allotment from $200 million to $300 million per year. Regional Priority Projects $930 million Would funds three major highway projects of regional significance.
May 9, 2015| Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | I-93/I-95 Interchange Improvements Reading, Woburn, and Stoneham Full Interchange Reconstruction Busiest interchange in New England (375,000 vehicles per day) Highest crash rates (per million vehicles) of any of its kind in Mass. GOAL: Address geometric and operational deficiencies Remove the northwest and southeast loop ramps, remove all weaves and provide a northbound connector ramp on Route 128/I- 95 to I-93 with split ramps from Washington Street to remove the weave to I-93. Add-a-lane on Route 128/I-95 through the interchange corridor to create 4-lane cross section, reducing congestion. Substantially benefit regional travel with improved operations and safety. Cost (2015): $320 Million
Massachusetts Department of Transportation I-93/I-95 Interchange Improvements Bird’s Eye View showing reconstructed interchange with new flyover ramps
May 9, 2015| Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | I-93/I-95/University Ave./Dedham St. Canton, Dedham, Norwood, Westwood Full Interchange Reconstruction 238,500 vehicles per day, high crash location with truck roll overs, multi-mile long queues on I-95/I-93 due to weaving movements on I- 95 Address the geometric and operational deficiencies at I-95/I-93 interchange and at Dedham Street on-ramp to I-95 SB Add-a-lane on I-95 NB from Dedham Street to I-93 and on I-95 SB from I- 93 to Neponset Street. Adds I-95 NB off-ramp to Dedham Street. Attracts cut-through traffic from residential Canton streets to I-95 Supports multi-modal travel by improving access to Route 128 Train Station. Creates 43 acre park in place of MassDOT’s abandon 1970’s Inner Belt Substantially benefits regional travel with improved operations and safety. Cost (2012): $225 Million
May 9, 2015| Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence |
May 9, 2015| Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | Major structure that carries I-91 through Springfield over city streets and a parking garage Combined length of 2,329 feet ADT = 107,100 Portions of deck are structurally deficient Superstructure and substructure are nearing deficient status (currently rated as 5) Not on STIP Estimate for superstructure replacement: $363,900,000 I-91 Viaduct, Springfield
May 9, 2015| Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence |