1 Linking Planning and Programming New Direction for Investment Decisions Arizona League of Cities and Towns August 21, 2014 ADOT P2P Link.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Linking Planning and Programming New Direction for Investment Decisions Arizona League of Cities and Towns August 21, 2014 ADOT P2P Link

To create a performance-based process that links planning to programming transparent, defensible, logical, reproducible P2P Link Goal 2

A New Way of Doing Business 3

A Healthy Transportation System 4

Linking Planning to Programming 5

MAP-21 Performance Goal Areas 6 MAP-21 PavementCondition BridgeCondition Safety CongestionFreight Focus of Initial System Performance Reporting Effort

Pavement Condition - Statewide 7 ADOT Non-Interstate Pavement Condition ADOT Interstate Pavement Condition

Bridge Condition - Statewide 8 Bridge Condition – % SD (Deck Area) Bridge Condition Index

Safety 9

Congestion / Freight 10 Annual Hours of Delay (AHD)—Travel time above a congestion threshold (defined by State DOTs and MPOs) in units of vehicle -hours of delay on Interstate and NHS corridors Reliability Index (RI80)— The Reliability Index is defined as the ratio of the 80th percentile travel time to the agency-determined threshold travel time

Annual Program Update 11 June April - June Who:MPD What:Perform System Assessment July - August Who:System Review Teams (Districts, MPOs, COGs and ADOT Technical Groups) What:Review System Assessment September - October Who:Districts, MPOs, COGs, and ADOT Technical Group What:Project Nominations November Who:Investment Category Teams What:Project Ranking December - February Who:ADOT Leadership (MPD, ITD, FMS, ECD) What:Risk-Based Scenarios Review and Project Selection for 10-Yr Program March - May Who:PPAC What:Share Tentative 10-Yr Program and Obtain Feedback June Who:State Transportation Board What:Approval

Questions? Thank you! ADOT P2P Link 12 ADOT P2P Draft Final Report:

State Highway Fund Allocation 13

Key Commerce Corridors August 21, 2014 John Halikowski Director Arizona Department of Transportation

Creating a Strong Economy KEY COMMERCE CORRIDORS

Arizona’s Advantage KEY COMMERCE CORRIDORS Proximity to major consumer markets Available, skilled workforce for export-focused base industries Migration of businesses away from California A place where people want to live, work, and play

The 20-year Plan KEY COMMERCE CORRIDORS Enhance connections to major domestic markets in Southern California and central Texas Improve commercial flow with emerging market in Mexico (ports of entry, proposed I-11) $20 billion over 20 years for corridors, ports of entry, bridges

KEY COMMERCE CORRIDORS Transportation and Trade Corridor Alliance Double Trade with Global Markets by 2025 Maximize Location Create Alignment Seize Opportunity

Key Commerce Corridors: What do they mean to you?