May 2014
Operations Planning Construction Design VISION Process 1.Receive design files from Projectwise -Create Maps to determine ownership and maintenance responsibilities 2. Update the HIS from design files. extract road inventory and centerlines 3. Export HIS to TED weekly for cabinet consumption of GIS and data. Update other Databases with base network and data 4. Consume and overlay other cabinet data (needs) To perform analysis to provide project input to SYP 5. Perform studies and cost estimates, identify and prioritize projects for SYP 6. Design project to satisfy the draft Purpose and Need
KY uses County – Route – and Mile Point as it’s Linear Referencing System. All Public Roads mapped and stored within the Highway Information System (HIS). ◦ Bentley’s Exor ◦ 79,000 total public mileage ◦ Roadway Features (Lanes, Median, Shoulder) ◦ Roadway Systems (Functional Class, State System) ◦ HPMS Data ◦ Traffic Counts ◦ Analysis Data
State Road Updates ◦ Design files downloaded from ProjectWise when the construction projects are let. ◦ HIS updated within 2 weeks of “Open to Traffic” ◦ Typical Sections used to populate Roadway Features Local Road Updates ◦ Contract with 15 Area Development Districts Work with appropriate local officials to identify changes Submit on set schedule (moving to real time update)
“Question Maps” to Highway District Office
After initial update of the LRS and Inventory database, the HIS data is then either; ◦ Field verified by internal field crew GPS the total alignment Inventoried for roadway characteristics ◦ Photo Van images reviewed Collection of X and Y of pictures used to verify road centerline Measure pictures in Mandli software to assure lane # and widths, shoulder type and width, etc. ◦ Future, LIDAR will be available for every project
A weekly export of both spatial and tabular data is exported to the Transportation Enterprise Database (TED). Spatial data is then linked to show up on SDE GIS servers Tabular data is made available to update other databases and can be consumed through Business Objects
HIS exports both spatial and tabular To TED on a weekly basis To Public Weekly
A direct update of both spatial and tabular data is also conducted with the bridge database, Pontis. Future, a spatial and tabular direct update will take place with the Agile Assets database housing OMS (Maintenance work orders) and PMS (Pavement Management System) Yearly updates to the Superload database (future will be automated on demand)
HIS updates bridge route location and Other pertinent HIS data on a weekly basis HIS exports all spatial changes and Pertinent data to OMS and PMS on A weekly basis OMS and PMS update weekly to TED HIS updated from OMS PMS on demand
Data Driven to identify issues by Functional Class (Gap Analysis): ◦ Safety Issues ◦ Congestion Issues ◦ Pavement Issues Projects overlaid to see if specific issue/s addressed ◦ Current 6 year Plan projects ◦ Pavement Projects for next 5 years ◦ Unscheduled Needs projects ◦ HSIP Projects District staff, MPO, Local Officials, review and prioritize
Proposed 6 year plan then selected from these lists and submitted to Legislature for approval and funding for the Biennial.
Use MAP-21 and Performance Measures to: ◦ Develop a Data Driven Draft Six Year Plan Cost Benefit Analysis. Taylor a plan for each District/Region based on specific needs of the region. Assure the draft selected projects contribute to meeting Performance Measure targets.
Keith Dotson