The Broken Arrow Chamber of Commerce Beautification Committee And The City of Broken Arrow
Adopt a Corner, Broken Arrow Illegal Sign Removal Orientation and Training Guide for Volunteers
A Message from The City of Broken Arrow and The Chamber of Commerce Beautification Committee
Thank you for helping all of us keep Broken Arrow a beautiful City. We are proud of you for donating your time to help with this vital mission in our City. This training session is very important to the success of Adopt-A-Corner, Broken Arrow. You will learn about signs that are legal and not legal, as well as the safest and best ways to remove them and dispose of them. You will also learn what is, and what is not, a right-of-way. You will feel rewarded as you pass ‘your corner’ and know that it is clean and clear of clutter. Most of you will select corners near your home and you can be sure all your neighbors will appreciate your effort as well. Again, our most sincere thanks to each and every one of you.
What are Illegal Signs? Illegal signs are all non-governmental signs that are placed within the public right-of-way without permission.
What are Illegal Signs? City Code Section provides for the removal of signs placed illegally within any City right-of-way. Subsection (a) “The city manager or his designee is hereby authorized to confiscate any and all signs of any nature whatsoever that are located on a dedicated street right-of-way, and are not in compliance with Article IX sign regulations and such signs may be immediately destroyed.” “The city manager or his designee is hereby authorized to confiscate any and all signs of any nature whatsoever that are located on a dedicated street right-of-way, and are not in compliance with Article IX sign regulations and such signs may be immediately destroyed.”
What are Illegal Signs? Additionally, a citizen who has attended the training provided by the City may be authorized to remove illegal signs placed in a City right-of-way.
What is a City Right-of-Way? A City right-of-way is public property. As such, only government signs are allowed within the right-of-way, unless special permission is granted by the City Council.
What is a City Right-of-Way? In general, the right-of-way includes the grassy portion of land between the street curb (pavement edge) and the sidewalk. In general, the right-of-way includes the grassy portion of land between the street curb (pavement edge) and the sidewalk. In places where the sidewalk does not exist, the right-of- way generally extends from the curb (or pavement edge) to the fence and/or utility pole. In places where the sidewalk does not exist, the right-of- way generally extends from the curb (or pavement edge) to the fence and/or utility pole. For sign removal purposes, if there is no sidewalk or fence, signs are removed within the mowed area but never further, or more than twenty (20) feet from the curb or pavement edge. For sign removal purposes, if there is no sidewalk or fence, signs are removed within the mowed area but never further, or more than twenty (20) feet from the curb or pavement edge.
What is a City Right-of-Way? Never remove a sign on private property, or one that could be on private property. Questions that arise regarding right-of-way location must be directed through your contact to the City.
Why Remove Illegal Signs? Primarily because they are illegal. Primarily because they are illegal. Illegal signs can create site obstructions or safety hazards for motorists and pedestrians. Illegal signs can create site obstructions or safety hazards for motorists and pedestrians. Illegal signs tend to clutter the right-of-way and are an eye sore. Removal will foster beautification of the City. Illegal signs tend to clutter the right-of-way and are an eye sore. Removal will foster beautification of the City.
Who is Authorized to Remove Illegal Signs? City employees. Citizen volunteers who have completed this training, received proper identification and have the proper safety equipment such as safety reflective vests and gloves.
How to Remove Illegal Signs? Follow all safety precautions. Always wear your issued identification card. This shows you have received training in the removal of illegal signs. Obey traffic laws and do not stop in any portion of the street. Wear reflective safety vests. Wear protective gloves (leather is preferred).
How to Remove Illegal Signs? Do not damage City or private property. Do not damage City or private property. Do not remove signs at night. Do not remove signs at night. Do not remove signs from utility poles Do not remove signs from utility poles and do not pull staples or nails on signs located on utility poles. and do not pull staples or nails on signs located on utility poles. Do not climb ladders in order to remove signs. Do not climb ladders in order to remove signs.
Illegal Signs in a Right-of-Way
How to Remove Illegal Signs? How to Remove Illegal Signs? If a sign is in the street median, notify your contact, who will notify the City. Only City employees are authorized to remove signs from the median. All non-governmental signs in the right-of- way must be removed. Never selectively remove signs, unless you do not have the equipment or physical ability to remove a particular sign. If this occurs, let your contact know, who will notify the City.
How to Dispose of Illegal Signs? Properly and lawfully. If you represent a business, you may use your dumpsters. Volunteers using City sanitation may place these signs at the curb for weekly pickup. Signs must be bundled and tied to be safely handled by City Sanitation crews. If volunteers use another sanitation company, place them in any City-owned dumpster at City parks.
Handling Confrontation Altercations. Altercations. While you champion this cause, your safety comes first. While you champion this cause, your safety comes first. Never argue with anyone. Never argue with anyone. Your identification badge authorizes you to remove illegal signs. It does not give you police powers or similar authority. Your identification badge authorizes you to remove illegal signs. It does not give you police powers or similar authority. If a disagreement about a sign arises, If a disagreement about a sign arises, please walk away and leave the sign. It can be removed at a later time by a City employee. please walk away and leave the sign. It can be removed at a later time by a City employee.
Contact Numbers 911 for emergency for non-emergency
Record Keeping Create a data log that includes: Create a data log that includes: The date of each sign removal and disposal. The date of each sign removal and disposal. The number of signs collected per date at each adopted corner. The number of signs collected per date at each adopted corner. The time spent (including travel) for each sign removal and disposal date. The time spent (including travel) for each sign removal and disposal date. Any notes pertaining to the sign removal and disposal. Any notes pertaining to the sign removal and disposal.
Reporting Monthly Activity During the first week of the month following sign removal, forward your data log information to Jack and Adrienne Barr at
Reporting Monthly Activity Data you send must include: Data you send must include: Number of sign removal visits. Number of sign removal visits. Total number of signs removed and disposed. Total number of signs removed and disposed. Total hours, to the nearest half hour, spent in sign removal and disposal activities.. Total hours, to the nearest half hour, spent in sign removal and disposal activities..
Contact Information Program Coordinators: Program Coordinators: Jack and Adrienne Barr Jack and Adrienne Barr Phone: Phone: Web Page: Web Page: To file complaints of code violations (other than illegal sign removal) Contact: Action Center: To file complaints of code violations (other than illegal sign removal) Contact: Action Center:
Illegal Signs in a Right-of-Way
Together We Can Change This.