Overview Illinois Accelerator Research Center (IARC) July 2010 R Kephart
IARC Primary Goals Basic goal is to make Fermilab and Northern Illinois a world class center for accelerator development and to initiate/promote/support related industry in Illinois. IARC is jointly supported by the State of Illinois (DCEO grant) and the U.S. DOE, office of HEP IARC will provide infrastructure, office space, and support facilities that will increase the probability that new accelerators like Project X and ILC are sited at Fermilab and allow industry to more easily work with us. IARC will support training of scientists and engineers in accelerator physics and related technology via work with local universities.
Possible Secondary Goals Office space for FNAL accelerator staff Home for Project X, or Illinois Accel institute? Infrastructure to support construction of Px, incl specialized infra for a CW linac Additional lab conference rooms Public Outreach: Green building; prominent; visually appealing Consolidate central FNAL campus
Education Engaging NIU and perhaps U of C, to create an accelerator education program in IARC Accelerators are becoming crucial to our economy but we are not training scientists, engineers, and technical workers –New FNAL-NIU joint appointment, total 3 accelerator physicists now on staff –Courses taught by FNAL staff –Builds on existing NIU RF power training courses (AD engineers) Considering hosting the Illinois Accelerator Institute a joint FNAL-ANL venture in IARC. (Rog Gerig is ANL contact)
History Submitted a proposal to Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) in 2006 DCEO’s mission is to promote Industry and high tech Federal projects in Illinois. IARC attractive to them because leverages the Federal investments at FNAL and ANL Original emphasis was to attract ILC and FRIB to Illinois, also education, industry. Requested $ 35 M for new building. Proposal hung up for several years as Illinois failed to pass Capital Bill. Proposal modified to be more generic ( Project X, ILC, and industrial accelerators) $ 31 B Capital Bill passed in 2009 Contained $ 20 M for the IARC building as a grant from DCEO to be funded with sale of bonds
History Less than the $ 35 M request, unlikely to get more from the State Had to make a viable plan with $ 20 M Oct 2009: Presentation to Dennis Kovar of IARC plan –Obtained commitment from DOE for major contribution to IARC ( $ 13 M in site development, conceptual design, FESS project oversight and $37 M commitment for refurbished CDF assembly building) Dec 2009: DCEO survey form submitted. –Included “Scope of Work”, conceptual design, cost estimate, Federal leverage, and funding profile. –David Parr, DCEO is the contact
History Feb 2010: –IARC Conceptual Building design options completed by A&E firm Ross Barney Associates (RBA) with DOE funds. –Functional Review of IARC building designs with FNAL Sr Staff. May 2010: Approval letter from DOE Site office to build IARC, discussions of WFO, etc. May-Jun 2010: Discussions with Andy Ross in Gov Quinn’s office and DCEO to get IARC funds released Jun 2010: –Director selects final IARC building design –Call from DCEO indicating IARC to be funded in 2010 –Flurry of activity to provided needed documents to DCEO and approve grant before July 1 end of State Fiscal year. July 2010: IARC DCEO grants approved! Final WFO document in progress
Two State Grants: $3M & $17M We have received checks for full amount
Building Design Building conceptual design well developed by outside A&E firm ( Ross Barney) and Engineering firm (ARUP) using DOE funds Slides from June Ross Barney presentation follow
IARC MISSION: Make Northern Illinois a center for accelerator development Provide office space and infrastructure to position Fermilab as a premier location for the siting of new accelerators and allow industry to work easily with Fermilab Provide a location for industrial, university, and laboratory partners with access to vital resources, such as infrastructure and trained accelerator and technology experts, necessary to develop new accelerator components. Offer spaces for the training of scientists and engineers in accelerator physics and related technology Create space for exhibits that will highlight various aspects of accelerator science and its various connections and applications throughout the world.
GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Meet the functional needs of the IARC mission Generate a dramatic, high profile building Produce a building that incorporates Fermi design philosophy Strengthen ability to attract new physics projects Maximize State funding with “bricks & mortars” Create a symbiotic relationship to existing CDF building CDF truck access must be maintained High degree of flexibility for rotating tenants State-of-the-art computing and video capabilities Accommodate parking Design to LEED Gold
Illinois Accelerator Research Center (IARC) Consists of three (3) planning elements: Office, Education and Technical Building (OTE) High Bay (existing CDF building) Parking Future physical connection to CDF Connection to the Industrial area Repurposing of CDF User interior build out
PROCESS Established goals and objectives Verified program requirements Analyzed existing building (CDF) High bay Office component Truck access Analyzed potential sites Utility infrastructure Relationship to existing facilities Circulation and traffic Parking requirements Developed two building alternatives Site plans Block diagrams and models Renderings Evaluated these designs vs Function Requirements and revised
SITE DEVELOPMENT Pavement/Hardscape Provide required parking Add median to “D” road for safety Maintain truck access to west side of CDF Maintain bicycle path Add pedestrian routes Utilities End-of-life Utility Replacement and Realignment Provide new utility services to OTE building Sustainable Strategies to be Considered Closed loop geothermal field Permeable pavements Photovoltaic modules to generate on-site energy Wind turbine to generate on-site energy Constructed wetland for wastewater treatment
OTE BUILDING OPTIONS Option A – Façade Scheme 45,200 gross square feet 3 stories 45 feet Connection to CDF First floor into at high bay at north end Second floor interior bridge through CDF at west end Cost: $12 M Option B – Tower Scheme 44,600 gross square feet 8 stories 128 feet to roof Connection to CDF Cost: $13 M Both designs meet the functional requirements of IARC Director Selected Option A after June 15 presentation
OPTION A – FAÇADE SCHEME view from northwest
OPTION A – FAÇADE SCHEME view from northeast
OPTION A – FAÇADE SCHEME view from southwest
FAÇADE Features Linear, kinetic, bold, energetic Horizontal Open plan, small or large units Iconic lunchroom & conference rooms Communicating stairs Adjacent, classrooms and light tech spaces on ground floor “Catwalk” connection to CDF offices with view into high bay Hidden utility yard Must move D Road Relates well to all parking options Relates well to industrial complex Adjacent parking – 64 spaces
Parking Scheme chosen 153 additional new spaces Informal parking “grove”
TRAFFIC CALMING TECHNIQUES NARROWING the real or apparent width of the street Building placement Street lighting and trees Raised curbs Spot narrowing of pavement Medians and crossing islands DEFLECTING the vehicle path Traffic circles Short medians and crossing islands Stop control ALTERING the vertical profile of the vehicle path Flat top speed humps Raised crosswalks Textured or change in pavement
CONNECTION TO WILSON HALL Use the existing geometry Strengthen the “arc” Extend the bike path Option 1 – Plant shade trees at regular intervals – Create formal “boulevard” Option 2 –Install solar panels as shade canopy –Synergistic application of alternate energy technology Option 3 –Create a linear sculpture garden –Continues tradition of connecting “science, technology and art” Option 4 –Combine Options 1 and 3 –Combine Options 2 and 3
Issues for further discussion Funding FESS and GPP site prep project –Integration with Industrial Area Upgrades Plan –Need GPP (or IGPP?) directive in place ASAP Resolving A&E issues –Continue somehow with RBA? ( Procurement issues) –Bringing new A&E up to speed quickly to meet state schedule Impacts of IARC construction on others –On traffic (ie road modifications and utility realignment) –On accelerator operations –On CDF operations –Need to fully explore these, but we think we can arrange these to be minimal. Decommissioning plan for CDF vs IARC plan ARRA II funds ? Schedule
Site Prep GPP Project IARC to be integrated into Industrial Area Upgrades Program: Industrial Area Site Upgrades (IASU) Office, Technical & Educational (OTE) Building OTE Outfitting CDF Building Repurposing & Remodeling Industrial Facilities Consolidation Need to have IASU GPP directive in place so that work is not held up by likely FY11 CR
DOE Funding Profile
Funding FESS for IARC Mgmt
ARRA II Potential Projects “What do we assume about this?” CDF Repurposing & Remodeling: TEC $5M The 30 year-old CDF building will require upgrading and modernization involving necessary improvements for accessibility, life safety, and sustainability. In addition to basic building systems modernization including offices, restrooms, lunch room, and elevator system, construction of a connecting link to the OTE Building will be provided to allow for the CDF office spaces and heavy assembly areas to be fully integrated with the OTE Building. Industrial Area Site Improvements: TEC $5.5M It is anticipated that the Industrial Area will be undergoing several significant improvements. Maintaining a dependable base from which science programs can be accomplished is dependent upon maintainable and flexible utility systems. End-of-life utilities must be upgraded, replaced and re-aligned. The existing Industrial area will become a fully integrated campus necessitating the need for safety improvements to vehicular and pedestrian travel routes. With the addition of training and conference centers in the area existing parking is becoming over-burdened. A new parking lot is required. Restore Scope to IARC: Furnishings (or OTE Building Furnishings) TEC: $9.5M The new OTE Building will be designed to be a highly flexible building including a modular demountable partition system. New demountable partitions with compatible furnishings and fixtures will be installed. In addition, open office cubicles, conference room furnishings including state of the art integrated technology capabilities, telecommunication/data systems, cafeteria fit- up, exhibit area display areas, and general office equipment will be required.
Updated Schedule To Meet 2-year State Requirement
Summary IARC building is now funded Conceptual IARC building design and parking scheme have been selected by the Director Planning for site prep is advanced Have 2 yrs to build this building Need more detailed plan of CDF refurbishment Now that IARC is real, we need to work on planning the detailed “program”, initial occupants, etc for this building