Introduction To Bridge Engineering
DEFINITION A bridge is structure that allows people or vehicles to cross an obstacle such as river or canal or railway….
COMPONETS Deck Abutment Piers Bearing
Components Of Bridge
Definition of Components of bridge Deck A bridge with an upper horizontal beam that carries roadway.
Abutment It supports the ends of the bridge and transfer the loads from the superstructure into the ground.
PIERS The main supports for a bridge upon which the bridge rests are called piers.
Bearing A bridge bearing is a component of a bridge which typically provides a resting surface between bridge piers and the bridge deck.
CLASSIFICATION OF BRIDGES According to type of superstructure Slab bridge Beam bridge Truss bridge Arch bridge Cable suspended bridge
Slab bridge
Beam Bridge
Truss bridge
(According to Material) TYPES OF BRIDGE (According to Material) Timber bridge Concrete bridge Stone bridge R c c bridge Steel bridge P c c bridge Composite bridge
Concrete Bridge
Stone bridge
R.C.C. Bridge
Steel Bridge
Composite bridge
IMPORTANCE OF BRIDGES Improvement of environment for emergency care. Improvement of convenience of public transportation. Ease of traffic jam and reduction of railroad crossing.
Improvement of environment for emergency
Improvement of convenience of public transportation
Ease a traffic jam and reduction of a railroad crossing
Investigation For Bridge
GENERAL DATA COLLECTION location of bridge site. Transportation of bridge site. Nature of crossing and affordability. Availability of local material. Traffic volume. Availability of local bridge builders. Temporary crossing. Local participation.
Important Definition Linear water way. Economical span. Design discharge. Scour depth. Vertical clearance above HFL.
LINEAR WATER WAY A river or canal ,or other body of water serving as a route or way of travel.
Economic span Economic span depend upon the cost of : Substructure Superstructure
Scour Depth The depth which is produced due to scouring action of water Depth of scour below the high flood level Scour depth has important in determination depth of foundation Mean scour depth(d)=9.2m Max .scour depth for piers=2d =18.4m
VERTICAL CLEARANCE Minimum vertical clearance of 5m should be ensure over the full width of roadway. The vertical clearance should be measured with regard to the highest point of carriageway. Allowance for any future raising of pavement is also be made.
POINTS FOR SELECTION OF BRIDGE TYPE Geometric condition of the site(road alignment, design flood and highest water mark) Traffic capacity. Structural stability. Foundation conditions and strength of a abutment. Available material. Knowledge and equipment of the contractor. Clearance requirement above and below the road way. General requirements with respect to location ,financing and community values.
Traffic Projection