Demonstrator Project Presentation 16 September, 2014 Presenters: Andy Mills Andy Wright
Introduction AMP was commissioned by Neston Town Council to: 1.Undertake original insight research in the area to establish the specific demand for cycling based activity (events, promotion, training, etc.) The outline objectives of this insight research study will need to establish the: Demand amongst the local population for cycling and cycling related activity, specifically in relation to access to employment, education and training; Demand for enterprise and job creation focused on a nascent cycling economy in the town and hinterlands; Support from existing businesses for developing the local cycling economy and Strategic fit between Neston’s potential cycling economy and sub-regional, regional and national initiatives. 2.Run a series of promotional activities in Neston to promote cycling in general and specifically as a sustainable mode of transport to connect to employment opportunities. The objectives of this activity will be to: Promote cycling as a sustainable transport option for work and leisure. A campaign will be required to be developed and a number of promotional activities and events hosted in the Town Centre. A specific element of the campaign is to be held in July centred around the celebration of the UK “Grand Depart” of the Tour de France in Yorkshire. Delivery of activity is in partnership with CAN Group The activity was supported through the Local Sustainable Transport Fund (LSTF) grant programme awarded to Neston Town Council by Cheshire West and Chester Council.
Methodology Inception Stakeholder Consultation Business Consultation Public Consultation Analysis and Reporting Promotional Activity (CAN Group): Social media Cycle Fair Cycle Taxi Guided Rides Cycle Maintenance Information leaflets Schools engagement Bike reclamation Insight: Stakeholders: Councillors Local interest groups Cycling organisations Business: Cycle Businesses Café/restaurant sector Local Business Groups Public Consultation: Online and Face-to-Face 173 Online/49 Street
Results: Public Opinion The survey received a total of 222 Reponses Conducted under MRS guidelines There is strong support for cycling in the town, with the majority wishing to see safer routes, road layout and options available to them; The level of traffic and behaviour of motorists towards cyclists is felt to be a major negative factor; Equally, there is a clear conflict between cyclists and other road users due to the poor behaviour of both groups; Self-reported poor cycling behaviour is rare a small number of cyclists admit to riding on the pavement and yet this issue has the a very high impact on public perceptions; There is a clear need to encourage behaviour change and the promotion of more tolerance and awareness of the needs of other users – the findings of the survey do however suggest that this does not apply exclusively to cyclists; Neston currently provides no reason for cyclists to stop or encourage new/unconfident riders – even new riders are drawn by the offer of food and drink; and The majority of cyclists are occasional riders with a decrease in frequency in winter months, which indicates that promotion and support should be at its highest in the spring/summer months.
Findings * intolerance * involvement * inactivity * investment * infrastructure
Recommendations Form an Advisory Group with direct reporting to town council committee Adopt a ‘market segmentation model: Neston Cycle Town priority targets in RED Consider adoption of a ‘Let’s share the space’ campaign aimed at all infrastructure users (behaviour change?) Commission cycling specific infrastructure audit (including signage) from Sustrans Commit to yearly summer festival (to build on momentum from 2014) Commit to support development of Neston Cycle Hub (to build on success of pop-up in 2014, offering ‘a reason to stop’ in the town. Commit to on-going support for volunteers running Neston Cycle Town via CAN (small grant to CAN to acknowledge responsibility) Develop Gateway to Welsh hills promotion in conjunction with Arriva Trains Wales and neighbouring Welsh Authorities Build on relationship with local Cycle Clubs (including off-road) to support shared use of the local infrastructure and promotion of adult training.
“Quick Wins” ? Neston Town Council to join Sustrans (and CTC) and formally adopt and resource their ‘two tings’ and Space for Cycling’ campaigns and promotion of adult training. (and/or see also Strategic 2 above) behaviour change? Position Neston within existing ride routes and develop ‘we welcome cyclists’ promotion for local businesses to adopt from spring 2015 Continue to invest in cycle friendly road furniture Commission autumn/winter arts programme to support ‘we welcome cyclists’ promotion for launch in spring 2015 Convene business group interested in using a retail space in town on a co-operative basis. Promote park and pedal as option for access to Parkgate