Emergencies Medicas !!!!! By: Drema Johnson
Vocabulario La frente – forehead La mejilla- cheek La nariz- nose El ojo- eye El oido- ear La oreja- ear El labio- lip El Hombro- Shoulder
El cuello- neck El codo- elbow La muneca- wrist El brazo- arm El dedo- finger La rodilla- knee La pierna- leg El tobillo-ankel El pie- foot El Pecho- Chest
Vocabulario Tener un accidente- To have an accident. Hacerse dano lastimarse- to hurt oneself Caerse- To fall Romperse- to break Torcerse- to twist Cortarse- to cut oneself Picar- to sting Ocurrir- to occur, to happen
Vocabulario Tener Lugar- to take place Acabar de- to have just (done something) El servicio de primeros axilios- first aid service La ambulancia- ambulance La camilla- stretcher El hospital- hospital La sala de emergencia- emergency room La recepcion- admissions (hospital)
La silla de ruedas- wheelchair Las muletas- crutches La victima- victim Llenar el formulario- to fill out the form El/la medico(a)- doctor El/la ortopedico(a)- orthopedic surgeon El/la enfermero(a)- nurse
El/la tecnico-technician El/la socorrista- paramedic Una fractura- fracture Una herida- wound Una picadura- bite El dolor- pain Hinchado(a)- swollen
Ayudar- to help Doler- to hurt Sentirse-to feel Tomar la tension (presion) arterial- to take one’s blood pressure Tomar el pulso-to take one’s pulse Tomar una radiografia- to take an X-ray
Vocabulario Reducir el hueso- to set a bone Poner en un yeso- to put a cast on Poner un vendaje-to put a bandage on Cerrar la herida- to close the wound Poner puntos (suturas)- to give someone stitches Parecer-to look like, to seem
Vocabulario El cuerpo- body La cara- face
sources content/uploads/2007/03/jon_picking_his_nose.jpg&imgrefurl= 3Ft%3D47285&usg=__VH1Dz84Oqq_wE3QgZ8V9hOScWJU=&h=590&w=393&sz=42&hl=en&start=11&um =1&tbnid=Dp8SohVcX7JX0M:&tbnh=135&tbnw=90&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dnose%26hl%3Den%26safe%3 Dactive%26sa%3DG%26um%3D1 Stretchers.jpg Stretchers.jpg c4391c0c7f.jpg 00c4391c0c7f.jpg
Sources cheeks.jpg cheeks.jpg
Sources p4.fotolia.com/jpg/00/06/63/77/400_F_ _1k2VmH81jHvnFlsSdeq8Rzm7rksu9tw0.jp g p4.fotolia.com/jpg/00/06/63/77/400_F_ _1k2VmH81jHvnFlsSdeq8Rzm7rksu9tw0.jp g /scan0008.jpg /scan0008.jpg Full%20body%20clothed%20model-Keisha.jpg Full%20body%20clothed%20model-Keisha.jpg