RARE – Reducing Avoidable Readmissions Effectively A Statewide Campaign rarereadmissions.org
Statewide Triple Aim Goals Population health Reduce overall readmissions rate by 20% from 2009 baseline by December 30, 2012 Care experience Enable patients to spend 16,000 more nights in their own beds instead of in the hospital Affordability of care Save an estimated $30 million for commercially insured patients; additional savings for Medicare patients
RARE Results to Date 82 hospitals 75 Community Partners across the care continuum 2,607* readmissions prevented (13% reduction) 10,000 more nights of sleep in their own beds *Q1 data listed above, Q data released on November 6 th, 2012
Please find Q Readmission Update on Pink sheet in your handouts
Spreading the word
Website hits – around 13,700 visits throughout the US and Canada RARE Campaign emulated by others QIOs: –California –Nevada –Arizona –Florida –North Carolina
Whats Next The RARE Campaign will continue through 2013 –With the continued leadership and commitment from ICSI, MHA and Stratis Core Work will be supported as follows: –Data use –Action Learning Days –RARE Resource Consultants (RRC) –Webinars/RARE Conversations –Website –RARE Report