Similes and Metaphors Similes and metaphors are used in figurative language to compare and contrast different objects or ideas. They are formed when words are put together so skillfully they bring up pictures in your mind.
Simile A simile is when two things are directly compared because they share a common feature. The word AS or LIKE is used to compare the two words.
Simile Example Example: The coins tossed into the wishing well turned over in the air LIKE seagulls turning over in mid-flight. The coins aren't really seagulls or birds, but the way they move remind the author of how birds move in mid-air.
Metaphors A metaphor also compares two things, but it does so more directly WITHOUT using as or like.
Metaphors Example: Sarah was a torch lighting the way for everyone who came after her. Sarah isn't a real torch, but maybe she is an example that others want to follow (the same way one would follow someone holding a torch).