Nilam Popat Corporate Head – Communities & Enterprise
A Year of Celebration London Olympic Torch Relay 19 May – 21 July Queens Diamond Jubilee 2 – 5 June London Olympic Games & Paralympic Games 27 July – 12 August & 29 August – 9 September
Opportunities for Lewes District Promote sense of community pride & place Celebrate local cultural activities Support tourism & Visitor Economy
A Year of Celebration 2012 Lewes District Identity Jubilee Woods Bonfire / Church Beacons Street Parties Business Sponsorship Schools Competition Community Dressing Support local Olympic Hopefuls Promote District as visitor destination Organise Local activity Maximise Torch Route Opportunities Promote / Encourage Local Events
Take Part - Celebrate 2012 Lewes District.. Use LDC ‘umbrella’ branding to promote pride of place Encourage your local events to be added to Consider Jubilee Beacons / street dressing Tell us of your plans!
Jubilee Beacons: Jubilee Woodlands: Olympic Torch News: Claire Onslow, Head of Tourism & Economic Development, Lewes District Council Tel: E: For further Information: