By Abi, Abi, Sara and Tilly
Torch is used as a conversation topic Going on a journey All the conversation between the boy and the father is about the compass and the torch. Compass and torch is their version of small talk
The boy is the main character however while the focus is on the boy, whenever it is, the father is always mentioned.
Only detailed description of character given is the dad from the boys point of view Lets the reader imagine the boys appearance Doesn’t give the boy and man names ‘the man pushes the gate…’ Swift movements of the dad Boy is really excited
Third person – focalises on the boy – this restricts the reader to ones person’s viewpoint. Don’t give much away on the dad, gives a sense of mystery. We don’t know the dad very much and neither does the dad. Omniscient narrator gives the story an epic sense or lets the reader feel that they are up above the story looking down.
Boys homes Under the highest peak on the far side of the plain.
One day, symbolises the one year since the separation how little he knows his own son.
Dad arriving, very descriptive of dad – doesn’t know him anymore – appearance and personality Soaks up every detail – if he stops looking he will disappear.
There is very little time between these event signifying the short and abruptness of their ending relationship. Rising action – dad coming after a year – line 129 Climax – line 166 Dénouement - comes suddenly after climax – realises he has lost contact with his son.
When the dad arrives in the house line When we realise that it wasn’t a happy separation – reason for awkwardness
Awkwardness – general conversation and topic separation Loss – relationship loss Longing – boy wants his dad Excitement – common interests Relief – boy sleeps, not awkward anymore
Realistic – divorce is an everyday happening The way it is interpreted is slightly unbelievable as the story is not properly finished
Loss Separation awkwarness
No but we can empathise with how the boy feels and the situation of the dad.
Villan – in the boys eyes – Jim The horse In the mum’s point of view – dad Hero – in the boys eyes – dad in the mum’s point of view - Jim
Opening into their relationship – ‘clouds sweep like opening curtains’ - positive
Boy – longing ( ‘the boy is intent, watching dad’) desperate (line ), aspiring to dad (‘ the boy chattering’) Dad – held back, secretive, defensive (‘the man says with robust authorities’) feels like he is being judged, distracted
Sad situation Don’t know whether it has a sad ending because the ending is unclear Frustration Awkward
The ending of the story is not really very clear as to what actually happens. It’s more of a metaphor than an actual end. The ending of the story could symbolise the pain of the broken down relationship between Boy and Man or the actual physical pain of being trampled by horses. The reader may assume either as it is not specified.