Blackberry Inventory Gina Clementi, Kari Kahlenberg, Brooks Albrecht, JP Stuessi, Amanda Junentun, and Jordan Sipe
Branding Positioning Overview Brand Architecture …
Marketing Programs Reach More Segments Defend Business Market Grow Entertainment Market
Marketing Programs Reach More Segments Defend Business Market Grow Entertainment Market
Reach New Customer Segments International Consumers Altered business model Moving toward prepaid Younger Consumers Ads focus on the sexy and young side of BlackBerry Focus on BBM Academics Apps created targeted toward studying Time management tools
Mix of Effects on Equity in New vs. Established Segments Salience PerformanceImagery FeelingsJudgments Resonance Core business image decreases Wider consumer base Transferring “CrackBerry” to other segments Alienate core Less attitudinal attachment negatively affect resonance Judgments and feelings increase with new segments May decrease with core segment because of alienation
Marketing Programs Reach More Segments Defend Business Market Grow Entertainment Market
Defend Business Market BlackBerry Playbook to Defend Business Segment Full compatibility with BlackBerry Enterprise Server Pairs with smart phone to utilize existing 3G data service plan Secure and Manageable platform consistent with smart phones New, highly-secure Operating System - QNX Focus on Business Segment Offerings to Business Professionals Key Smartphone Features Inside BlackBerry for Business Blog BlackBerry Business Solutions BlackBerry Enterprise Server BlackBerry Enterprise Server Express
Strengths & Weaknesses in the Business Segment Salience PerformanceImagery FeelingsJudgments Resonance Effective Offerings to Business Professionals User “addiction” Company Smartphone Use Company adoption of BES Security & Manageability Ability to connect to enterprise applications. Productive work features: , calendar, contacts Loyal business consumers have created strong relationships with BlackBerry. Affects their daily lives. Apple increasing competitive offerings in business segment hurting BlackBerry’s equity
Marketing Programs Reach More Segments Defend Business Market Grow Entertainment Market
Grow the Entertainment Market QNX – Operating system built for apps and entertainment Cellmania – Develop better system for apps TAT – Shiny and slick interfaces Three AcquisitionsBlackBerry Playbook (Brand Extension)BBM Social Platform and PodcastsBlackBerry Torch with OS 6
Equity Effects for Pursuing Consumer Market Salience PerformanceImagery FeelingsJudgments Resonance Entertainment features: BBM Social Platform, Podcasts. Brand Extension: BlackBerry Playbook All-in-on phone = higher evaluation. Fun and exciting feelings generated from entertainment/multimedia Increased hip, cool, youthful imagery from 3 acquisitions Better aesthetic in Operating systems: OS 6 and QNX Entertainment features meshed with business offers greater self identification Higher attitudinal attachment Conservative business types feel decreased self congruency
Recommendations Brand Revitalization Leverage Secondary Associations Adopt QNX Software for Smart Phones
Recommendations Brand Revitalization Leverage Secondary Associations Adopt QNX Software for Smart Phones
Brand Revitalization Recapture Its Heritage Re-focus on the Core Business Segment Communicate and Increase Points of Difference Increase Relevance App World Enterprise Solutions Line Extension Balance old and new consumers Carrier RelationshipsCorporate Partnerships
Brand Revitalization Salience PerformanceImagery FeelingsJudgments Resonance Credibility Superiority Relevance Distinctiveness Quality Increase Sense of Community
Recommendations Brand Revitalization Leverage Secondary Associations Adopt QNX Software for Smart Phones
Leverage Secondary Associations Brooks
Recommendations Brand Revitalization Leverage Secondary Associations Adopt QNX Operating System for Smart Phones
Adopt QNX Operating System JP
Conclusion Jordan