The Sword Is the Word of God John 17:17 God’s Word is truth. God’s Word’s are accurate. There are no errors of any kind (Psalm 119:41-43) Psalm 119:105 The Word guides us in the path we need to follow. The Word reveals things that can cause us to stumble: what is good or bad, wise or unwise 1 Corinthians 2:9-13 Makes us wise by showing us the wisdom of God
The Sword Is A Weapon Hebrews 4:12 The sword is all powerful. It is able to cut through every defense our enemy can raise. Use it to attack Satan’s strongholds II Corinthians 10:4-5 Nothing can withstand its ability to cut to the truth. It’s a Christian’s duty to discern truth and follow it Use the Sword to reveal What we must do to be saved How God truly wants to be worshipped What our only standard for authority is God’s design for marriage
The Sword is A “Spiritual” Weapon It gives life Psalm 119:93 It regenerates I Peter 1:23, James 1:18 It is the source of our faith Romans 10:17 It can prevent sin Psalm 119:11 It can cleanse us Psalm 119:9 It convicts us of sin John 16:7-13 It can reveal sin in our lives and remove it Hebrews 4:12
The Sword Must Be Keep In Good Condition Study diligently Know your weapon II Timothy 2:15 Must be taken out Keep it in good condition so you will always be on ready I Peter 3:15
The Word Reveals to be Saved We Must Hear Believe Repent Confess Baptized