Early Medieval Kingship “Doctrine of the Two Swords” (ca. late 8 th century) Kings God Counts Latin “comites” meaning “companions” Knights (non-heritable, not necessarily noble) Peasants Pope “temporal sword” “spiritual sword” Lesser nobility Knights Archbishops Bishops Priests Deacons & Sub-Deacons Bishops Priests
Theocratic Kingship “Doctrine of the Two Swords” Late Roman & Byzantine Claimed by Henry IV (HRE) in 1075 God Kings Emperor (Wields both “temporal” sword & “spiritual sword”) Knights (non-heritable, not necessarily noble) Lesser nobility Counts Latin “comites” meaning “companions” Archbishops Pope Bishops Priests Peasants Patriarch (Eastern Church) Deacons & Sub-Deacons Bishops Priests Lesser nobility Knights
Early Medieval Kingship “Doctrine of the Two Swords” Gregorian Revolution (ca. 1075) Kings God Counts Knights (non-heritable, not necessarily noble) Peasants Pope (Vicar of Christ) “temporal sword” “spiritual sword” Lesser nobility Knights Archbishops Bishops Priests Deacons & Sub-Deacons Bishops Priests Emperor Kings Counts