Fellowship of the Ring BOOK 2
Fellowship of the Ring – Book 2 Plot Summary The Council of Elrond Caradhras Moria Lothlorien Breaking of the Fellowship
Fellowship of the Ring – Book 2 New Characters ElrondBoromir Gimli, Legolas Galadriel, Celeborn
Fellowship of the Ring – Book 2 Monsters Caradhras Watcher in the Water TrollBalrogGollum
Fellowship of the Ring – Book 2 Comparison of Characters Aragorn Represents Kingdom of North Sword as heirloom Begins book with sword broken Sword symbol of fighter Reliable, responsible Will go where Gandalf leads Humble, keeps North safe from fear of death Boromir Represents Kingdom of South Horn as heirloom Begins book with horn in tact Horn a symbol for a hunter Brash, inflexible Afraid of unexpected Brags, “Bulwark of the West” Takes Quest from Faramir Interrups Elrond at Council Vote must be 8 to 1
Fellowship of the Ring – Book 2 Comparison of Characters Boromir Desires Ring for himself Psychological fall Leads to physical fall (Bk 3) Boromir Throws rock into water in front of Moria gates, brings Monster Boromir “When heads are at a loss, bodies must serve” Saruman Desires Ring for himself Psychological fall Leads to physical fall (Bk 3) Pippin Throws rock down well, brings orcs Sam “Your legs are too short, so use your head”
Fellowship of the Ring – Book 2 Settings Winter -- Dying world Hollin Moria Lorien Argonath Timeless Rivendell Lorien
Fellowship of the Ring – Book 2 Timeless worlds Rivendell Place of healing Frodo’s wound Past is learned Juxtaposed young/old Songs of the past Lorien Place of healing Grief over Gandalf’s death Future is learned Juxtaposed views of tree Song re/Gandalf
Fellowship of the Ring – Book 2 Themes Declining World Choices Frodo’s Gandalf’s Boromir’s Visions, predictability Boromir’s message Mirror of Galadriel Frodo on Amon Hen
Fellowship of the Ring – Book 2 Parallels Begins and ends with question of what to do with the Ring? Who will take it? Begins with Frodo’s choice to take Ring / Ends with Frodo’s choice to take Ring Begins with forming of Fellowship, ends with breaking of Fellowship Killing of horses at the end of Bk 1, killing of the winged creature at the end of Bk 2 Boromir blows horn to start out, blows horn again to summon aid at the end
Fellowship of the Ring – Book 2 Parallels Psychological falls of Saruman and Boromir Deaths of Gandalf and Boromir (Bk 3) Hollin abandoned by elves, Moria by dwarves Rivendell and Lorien doomed worlds South decadent, North true heroic world Winter world vs. Spring world in Book 3
Fellowship of the Ring – Book 2 Motifs Gifts Bilbo’s gifts to Frodo Mithril Sting, Frodo to withdraw it from wood Galadriel’s gifts Phial to Frodo Ties Frodo to Beren, Feanor, Silmarils, Two Trees Gandalf’s description of Frodo “like a glass filled with clear light” Soil to Sam Elfstone and scabbard to Aragorn
Fellowship of the Ring – Book 1 Songs Hobbits Bilbo “Earendil” “I sit beside the fire and think” Frodo/Sam “When evening in the Shire” Elves Elbereth in elvish Mithrandir “I sang of leaves” “Ai! Laurie lantar lassi surinen!” Aragorn “All that is gold” Boromir “Seek for the Sword” Gimli “The World was young” Legolas “Nimrodel”
Fellowship of the Ring – Book 2 Elvish Quenta Spoken in Valinor Derived using Latin rules Sample: the constellation Orion menel makar heaven’s sword Sindarin Spoken in MiddleEarth Derived using Welsh rules Orion means heaven’s sword menel vagor heaven’s sword