Church Age Book Chapter 1 The Book of Revelation is the revelation of Jesus and what He is doing in the churches for those seven ages. It is a revelation because the disciples, themselves, didn't know these recorded truths. It had not been previously revealed to them. You remember that they came to Jesus in the Book of Acts and asked Him, "Are You at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?" And He said, "It is not for you to know the times or the seasons." Those men were still thinking of Jesus having an earthly kingdom. But it was a spiritual kingdom that He was going to build. The Book of Revelation is the revelation of Jesus and what He is doing in the churches for those seven ages. It is a revelation because the disciples, themselves, didn't know these recorded truths. It had not been previously revealed to them. You remember that they came to Jesus in the Book of Acts and asked Him, "Are You at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?" And He said, "It is not for you to know the times or the seasons." Those men were still thinking of Jesus having an earthly kingdom. But it was a spiritual kingdom that He was going to build.
The 1 st Seal: We changed thrones from the intercessory to the Son of David Ministry. A door of utterance proclaimed a new message revealing HER new position. Rev. 3: Declares the overcomer a reward of sitting in the throne of David with Christ after the church ages.
FIRST SEAL JEFF IN {152} The voice is a thunder. The voice came from where? From the throne where the Lamb had just left as Intercessor. Now, He's standing here to take His position and His claims. But the thunder came from the inside of the throne, thundered out. And the Lamb was standing out here. The thunder, where the Lamb had left, left the Father's throne to go to take His own throne, Glory. Now, now, don't miss it, friends {152} The voice is a thunder. The voice came from where? From the throne where the Lamb had just left as Intercessor. Now, He's standing here to take His position and His claims. But the thunder came from the inside of the throne, thundered out. And the Lamb was standing out here. The thunder, where the Lamb had left, left the Father's throne to go to take His own throne, Glory. Now, now, don't miss it, friends.
139-6 {152} {152} We all know as Christians that God swore to David that He would raise up Christ to set on His throne and give Him an everlasting Kingdom here on the earth. He did it. And Jesus said, "He that overcomes the antichrist and all the things of the world shall set with Me on My throne as I have overcome and have set down on My Father's throne." We all know as Christians that God swore to David that He would raise up Christ to set on His throne and give Him an everlasting Kingdom here on the earth. He did it. And Jesus said, "He that overcomes the antichrist and all the things of the world shall set with Me on My throne as I have overcome and have set down on My Father's throne."
The 2 nd Seal: The Queen is called to sit on His Throne as Son of David. The King must display His authority and reveal His Word in power as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The King slays the antichrist with the Sword of His Mouth, the prophet’s Word.
SECOND.SEAL.THE_ JEFF.IN TUESDAY_ {325} Now, watch. What did Jesus say? "He that takes the sword..." All right, red horse rider, here where she's coming. "He that takes the sword..." You might have killed sixty-eight million of them down through these ages since then, maybe more, but Jesus said, "He that takes the sword will perish by it." Watch. SECOND.SEAL.THE_ JEFF.IN TUESDAY_ {325} Now, watch. What did Jesus say? "He that takes the sword..." All right, red horse rider, here where she's coming. "He that takes the sword..." You might have killed sixty-eight million of them down through these ages since then, maybe more, but Jesus said, "He that takes the sword will perish by it." Watch.
And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword... And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword... Hebrews the 4th chapter said, "The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword, cutting even to the marrow of the bone." And what else does the Word do? It's a discerner of the thoughts of the heart. That's right.... out of his mouth goeth a sharp two-edged--a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he tread the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of Almighty God. And he had on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KING, AND LORD OF LORD. Hebrews the 4th chapter said, "The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword, cutting even to the marrow of the bone." And what else does the Word do? It's a discerner of the thoughts of the heart. That's right.... out of his mouth goeth a sharp two-edged--a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he tread the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of Almighty God. And he had on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KING, AND LORD OF LORD.
SECOND.SEAL.THE_ JEFF.IN TUESDAY_ SECOND.SEAL.THE_ JEFF.IN TUESDAY_ {327} … and he's put millions times millions (after he had jumped off from his white horse onto his red horse), and he took his sword and went forth; but God said with the same thing that he perverted, or tried to--the false teaching, that same Word will rise in power, coming forth from the lips of Jesus Christ, and it shall slay him and everything before him. Amen {327} … and he's put millions times millions (after he had jumped off from his white horse onto his red horse), and he took his sword and went forth; but God said with the same thing that he perverted, or tried to--the false teaching, that same Word will rise in power, coming forth from the lips of Jesus Christ, and it shall slay him and everything before him. Amen. There's the Second Seal....That's THUS SAITH THE LORD There's the Second Seal....That's THUS SAITH THE LORD
The 3 rd Seal: Now, the Wife’s on the Throne, Christ is reigning as King of Kings, the Word has slain the antichrist and corrected the error. Then who are the Hebrews that are now reigning with Christ in the long awaited 3 rd coming.
THIRD SEAL JEFF IN {176} … here we are at the end time. And spiritual Eve, just as --as Hebrew Eve was promised... The Hebrew bride was promised the Word to return, and the spiritual bride from Pentecost, when she fell at Nicaea, then she's promised in the last days that the Word will come again.... If you want another Scripture, take over here, Revelations 10. And said, "In the hour, the time of… the seventh angel, seventh messenger, begins to sound, the mystery of God is finished (See?), the restoration back to the Word {176} … here we are at the end time. And spiritual Eve, just as --as Hebrew Eve was promised... The Hebrew bride was promised the Word to return, and the spiritual bride from Pentecost, when she fell at Nicaea, then she's promised in the last days that the Word will come again.... If you want another Scripture, take over here, Revelations 10. And said, "In the hour, the time of… the seventh angel, seventh messenger, begins to sound, the mystery of God is finished (See?), the restoration back to the Word.
The 4 th Seal: It is our victory over the antichrist and our rapture. We are caught into the heavens in the great gathering. The Church is gone. The Wife in white linen and we have a picture of Her.
SEVENTH SEAL JEFF IN E {63} SEVENTH SEAL JEFF IN E {63} … after the 4th chapter of Revelations, the Church is gone. …Everything that happened to the Church happened up to the 4th chapter of the Book of Revelations; everything that happened in the antichrist move, went up to the 4th chapter, and the Fourth Seal of Revelations (both for antichrist and Christ) ended up; and antichrist comes to his doom, and--with his army, and Christ comes with His army. … after the 4th chapter of Revelations, the Church is gone. …Everything that happened to the Church happened up to the 4th chapter of the Book of Revelations; everything that happened in the antichrist move, went up to the 4th chapter, and the Fourth Seal of Revelations (both for antichrist and Christ) ended up; and antichrist comes to his doom, and--with his army, and Christ comes with His army.
The 5 th Seal: The Wife is caught up in the Celestial. When the seal is opened it reveals that we are beyond the curtain of time. The seal reveals the Wife in the 6 th dimension in Word Bodies. There is no soul sleeping. He said this seal changed his life forever. The 5 th Seal: The Wife is caught up in the Celestial. When the seal is opened it reveals that we are beyond the curtain of time. The seal reveals the Wife in the 6 th dimension in Word Bodies. There is no soul sleeping. He said this seal changed his life forever.
FIFTH SEAL {344} FIFTH SEAL {344} …Let me say this in the presence of …Let me say this in the presence of Him. By His grace He also let me see Him. By His grace He also let me see my people not long ago in white robes. They're there now. They all was in white robes. my people not long ago in white robes. They're there now. They all was in white robes.
The 6 th Seal: We understand we are in Word Bodies, in the Throne of David, with King of Kings, antichrist slain. Moses and Elijah are Theophany Body Ministries and the Bride can see it clearly because she is celestial. Moses and Elijah are Theophany Body Ministries and the Bride can see it clearly because she is celestial. The Two Witnesses are our ministry today. The Two Witnesses are our ministry today.
Fifth Seal Fifth Seal {338} … Revelations 11. Watch and see if they're not both killed… Now, they have to face death, don't they (That's right.) after their ministry's finished? Why?...Elijah's ministry to the seven angel... the seventh angel's ministry, then be by Moses if he's immortal, as same as it could be by Elijah? {338} … Revelations 11. Watch and see if they're not both killed… Now, they have to face death, don't they (That's right.) after their ministry's finished? Why?...Elijah's ministry to the seven angel... the seventh angel's ministry, then be by Moses if he's immortal, as same as it could be by Elijah?
SIXTH SEAL {295} SIXTH SEAL {295} … See how the Seals opened down there in the church age, how it showed the martyrs? And now here's these two prophets standing here with the Word of God to do anything to nature they want to, and they shake the earth. And it shows exactly who does it. It's Moses and Elijah, 'cause there's their ministry reimpersonated again: both men. See what the Sixth Seal is? It's those prophets. … See how the Seals opened down there in the church age, how it showed the martyrs? And now here's these two prophets standing here with the Word of God to do anything to nature they want to, and they shake the earth. And it shows exactly who does it. It's Moses and Elijah, 'cause there's their ministry reimpersonated again: both men. See what the Sixth Seal is? It's those prophets.
SIXTH SEAL... Don't let it choke you, but watch what opened that Seal: prophets. Amen. There you are. Oh, we're living in the eagle day, brother. And it's among us now. They opened that Sixth Seal. They have power to do it. Amen. There's your Sixth Seal coming open.
CHURCH AGE BOOK - THE SEVENFOLD GLORY Now in Matthew 16:28, prefacing Matthew 17:1-13, Jesus had said, "... There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom." And the three apostles did see just that--the order of His second coming.
CHURCH AGE BOOK They saw Him transfigured there on the mountain top. His raiment was blazing white and His face shone like the sun at its zenith. And there as He appeared, stood Moses and Elijah on either side. That is exactly how He is coming again. Truly Elijah will first come and turn the hearts of the children (bride) back to the fathers' Apostolic Word Doctrine.
Q&A: The prophet is sorely disappointed in the People. Q&A: The prophet is sorely disappointed in the People. QA ON THE SEALS JEFF IN M QA ON THE SEALS JEFF IN M {33} … answering questions is quite a thing.... in answering this,… most of the questions... Some of them don't even pertain to the message at all, …or the Seals at all, but I'm going to try to answer them {33} … answering questions is quite a thing.... in answering this,… most of the questions... Some of them don't even pertain to the message at all, …or the Seals at all, but I'm going to try to answer them.
The 7 th Seal: It is the coming of the Lord. We saw His Third Coming at the opening of the seals. There was a historical set of seals and a new set of seals hidden away in his message. The 7 th Seal: It is the coming of the Lord. We saw His Third Coming at the opening of the seals. There was a historical set of seals and a new set of seals hidden away in his message. Those from the Cloud at Sunset can now take up earthly bodies to fulfill His reign as Christ. Those from the Cloud at Sunset can now take up earthly bodies to fulfill His reign as Christ.
FEAST OF THE TRUMPETS JEFF IN M FEAST OF THE TRUMPETS JEFF IN M 39-1 …don't miss this. How striking. From the seventh angel's (messenger of the Seventh Seal) Message (and Revelations 10 was the Seventh Seal) 39-1 …don't miss this. How striking. From the seventh angel's (messenger of the Seventh Seal) Message (and Revelations 10 was the Seventh Seal)
SOULS IN PRISON NOW JEFF IN M 33-3 The Lamb took His Book when the Seventh Seal, just ready for it to be opened. …Remember, He hid the Seventh Seal from us. He wouldn't do it. When the Angel stood day by day telling it, but then He wouldn't do it on that one. Said, "There's silence in heaven." No one knew. It was the coming of the Lord. SOULS IN PRISON NOW JEFF IN M 33-3 The Lamb took His Book when the Seventh Seal, just ready for it to be opened. …Remember, He hid the Seventh Seal from us. He wouldn't do it. When the Angel stood day by day telling it, but then He wouldn't do it on that one. Said, "There's silence in heaven." No one knew. It was the coming of the Lord.
MASTERPIECE.THE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-7 SUNDAY_ MASTERPIECE.THE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N-7 SUNDAY_ What did He say in Revelations 10, that would take place? Why was the trip to Tucson? To open to the Church... (the seventh angel Message) the whole Word of God would be made manifest. …Is that what the Word said? Then we see it. Then where are we at? See? Where are we at? There's only one thing. The harvest is here. She's dead ripe. She's ready now for the coming. Notice. No, it'll never be it. 167 What did He say in Revelations 10, that would take place? Why was the trip to Tucson? To open to the Church... (the seventh angel Message) the whole Word of God would be made manifest. …Is that what the Word said? Then we see it. Then where are we at? See? Where are we at? There's only one thing. The harvest is here. She's dead ripe. She's ready now for the coming. Notice. No, it'll never be it.
CHRIST IS THE MYSTERY JEFF IN V-3 N And the Head's revealed and come back with Eternal Life; and the Body must follow that, because it is Husband and Wife again. Amen. And as long as you're pregnated with the same Word, which is His Body, you took His Body, CHRIST IS THE MYSTERY JEFF IN V-3 N And the Head's revealed and come back with Eternal Life; and the Body must follow that, because it is Husband and Wife again. Amen. And as long as you're pregnated with the same Word, which is His Body, you took His Body,