SWORD Time South Warren High School Intervention and Enrichment Period
SWORD Time The purpose of SWORD Time is to provide students the opportunity to receive individualized instruction in areas identified by their most recent EPAS assessment so that they may be college and career ready upon exiting South Warren High School.
SWORD Time What classes are offered during this time? AP Seminars (for all AP classes) Math, Reading, English, and Science EPAS courses Current Events, News Show, Book Club, Science Enrichment, Gifted and Talented Enrichment, Forensics ILP supplemented with Arts and Humanities – For Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors ILP supplemented with Financial Literacy for Seniors
SWORD Time 30 minutes daily Fridays are homeroom days Grades will be determined based upon teacher’s criteria (effort, correctness, etc.) and posted weekly No homework for this class However, this is not a period to do your homework for other classes
SWORD Time ½ Credit for the entire year Will complete the ILP during this time through an assigned class Classes are determined based on EPAS scores as dictated by KRS (see next slide) Classes are also determined by grade level, testing calendar, and AP classes taken Missing work should be turned in for this class as you would other classes
SWORD Time Can my parents call and have my schedule changed? No Can I request for my schedule to change? No If I drop an AP class, can my schedule change? YES If I meet the benchmark on the next EPAS test, can my schedule change? Classes have been scheduled so that you should have the class before the test, so this should not be an issue.
Why is the ACT important? College admissions Scholarships or other programs KEES bonus money Placement in college courses determined by benchmark Indicator of readiness for AP or other advanced courses Career exploration Planning tool
SWORD Time What does College Ready mean? – You have met the English (18), Math (19), AND Reading (20) benchmarks set by Kentucky CPE on the ACT – OR You have met the Writing (74), Math (36), and Reading (85) benchmarks set by KY CPE on the Compass Test The Compass is administered your Senior year if you do not meet the benchmarks on the ACT.
SWORD Time What does Career Ready mean? – You have met AFQT benchmark (55) set by Kentucky CPE on the ASVAB (taken Jr. and Sr. years) OR You have met the benchmarks set by KY CPE on the WorkKeys (only administered to ATC students) – AND You are Career Prep (taken 3 CTE classes in a given area) – AND You passed the KOSSA in the career prep area OR received an industry certification in that area
SWORD Time What does College & Career Ready mean? – You have met the Compass OR ACT benchmarks – AND You are Career Prep (taken 3 CTE classes in a given area) AND passed the KOSSA in that area OR received an industry certification in that area
SWORD Time Classroom Expectations
SWORD Time Class Description During SWORD, students will develop the critical thinking skills needed to conduct and analyze scientific investigations. Students will be able to generate scientific questions by observing the world around them, design and conduct controlled experiments using appropriate tools and equipment, and locate appropriate sources of information to conduct research that will support their investigations. Additionally, students will evaluate strengths and weaknesses of claims and arguments by analyzing experimental data.
SWORD Time Class Objectives Week 1 Pre-Assessment Understanding Methods and Tools used in a Controlled Scientific Experiment Week 2 Formulating and Identifying Hypotheses Week 3 Designing a Simple to Moderately Complex Experiment Week 4 Designing Tools for Data Collection Carrying out a Controlled Experiment Week 5 Translating Information into a Graph or Diagram Analysis by Comparing and Combining Data Week 6 Evaluating Experimental Data Writing a Formal Lab Report Week 7 Writing a Scientific Abstract Designing a Scientific Poster Presentation Week 8 Presenting Scientific Findings Analyzing Works of Other Scientists Week 9 Journal Article Evaluation Post-Assessment
SWORD Time Grading Criteria Each week you will have the opportunity to earn a minimum of 20 points- 10 points for behavior/participation and 10 points from weekly quizzes demonstrating you have met the weekly benchmarks. Your formal lab report and poster presentation will be worth an additional 50 points, as will your final assessment. Your final grade for the course is based on percentage of total points earned and will be awarded a letter grade as follows: A % B 80-89% C 70-79% D 60-69% F 59% and below
SWORD Time Supplies Needed Composition notebook Folder Pen/pencil Lab materials TBD dependent upon your specific investigation