Which is mightier? The pen or the sword? Elena Syman
Which has been the most influential throughout history? Peace? Violence? W a r ? Community? H a r m o n y ? Hate? Cruelty? Kindness? Determination? Protection?
The Sword Rodney King Riots Bullying Japan bombing Pearl Harbor
The Pen Officers talking to Community Friends Letter to Edo
Although the sword can be used for defense and protection…
…throughout history the sword has still been used for more evil than good, whereas the pen has been used for more good than evil.
“Peace cannot be achieved by violence, it can only be attained through understanding.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson
Look at the irony: What has it come to when we use violence to end war?
But is this moral?
Slavery used the “sword” “You can’t separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom.” -Anonymous
But slavery was never right.
Look how far the pen has brought us…
“Nonviolence is the greatest of all religions.” -Swami Sahajanand
“When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.” Love of PowerPower of Love -Jimi Hendrix
What influence does this have on a child?
What about this?
In the end One is mightier. “Nonviolence doesn't always work - but violence never does.” -Anonymous