Matthew 10:24 – 39 “Disciples of Christ”. Matthew 10:24 – 39 “Disciples of Christ” Jesus called the twelve disciples, to take the good news out into the.


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Presentation transcript:

Matthew 10:24 – 39 “Disciples of Christ”

Matthew 10:24 – 39 “Disciples of Christ” Jesus called the twelve disciples, to take the good news out into the world

Matthew 10:24 – 39 “Disciples of Christ” V24 “No pupil is greater than his teacher; no slave is greater than his master. If the head of the family is called Beelzebul, the members of the family will be called even worse names!

Matthew 10:24 – 39 “Disciples of Christ” 1.Imitate Christ in every way V24 “No pupil is greater than his teacher; no slave is greater than his master. If the head of the family is called Beelzebul, the members of the family will be called even worse names!

Matthew 10:24 – 39 “Disciples of Christ” 1.Imitate Christ in every way

Matthew 10:24 – 39 “Disciples of Christ” 1.Imitate Christ in every way V24 “No pupil is greater than his teacher; no slave is greater than his master. If the head of the family is called Beelzebul, the members of the family will be called even worse names!

Matthew 10:24 – 39 “Disciples of Christ” 1.Imitate Christ in every way V26 “So do not be afraid of people. Whatever is now covered up, will be uncovered, and every secret will be made known. 27 What I am telling you in the dark, you must repeat in broad daylight, and what you have heard in private, you must announce from the housetops.

Matthew 10:24 – 39 “Disciples of Christ” 1.Imitate Christ in every way 1.Expect to go through the challenges that Christ went through 2.Be bold in proclaiming the gospel publically, just as Christ did

Matthew 10:24 – 39 “Disciples of Christ” 1.Imitate Christ in every way V29 For only a penny you can buy two sparrows, yet not one sparrow falls to the ground without your Father's consent.

Matthew 10:24 – 39 “Disciples of Christ” 1.Imitate Christ in every way 2.Trust in God’s Providential Care V29 For only a penny you can buy two sparrows, yet not one sparrow falls to the ground without your Father's consent.

Matthew 10:24 – 39 “Disciples of Christ” 1.Imitate Christ in every way 2.Trust in God’s Providential Care V30... even the hairs of our head have all been counted.

Matthew 10:24 – 39 “Disciples of Christ” 1.Imitate Christ in every way 2.Trust in God’s Providential Care V30... even the hairs of our head have all been counted. V31 So do not be afraid; you are worth much more than many sparrows!

Matthew 10:24 – 39 “Disciples of Christ” 1.Imitate Christ in every way 2.Trust in God’s Providential Care V34 “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the world. No, I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 I came to set sons against their fathers, daughters against their mothers, daughters-in-law against their mothers-in-law; 36 your worst enemies will be the members of your own family.

Matthew 10:24 – 39 “Disciples of Christ” 1.Imitate Christ in every way 2.Trust in God’s Providential Care 3.Be prepared to make sacrifices V34 “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the world. No, I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.

Matthew 10:24 – 39 “Disciples of Christ” 1.Imitate Christ in every way 2.Trust in God’s Providential Care 3.Be prepared to make sacrifices PEACE 1. Divine peace

Matthew 10:24 – 39 “Disciples of Christ” 1.Imitate Christ in every way 2.Trust in God’s Providential Care 3.Be prepared to make sacrifices PEACE 1.Divine peace 2.Earthly peace

Matthew 10:24 – 39 “Disciples of Christ” 1.Imitate Christ in every way 2.Trust in God’s Providential Care 3.Be prepared to make sacrifices PEACE 1.Divine peace 2.Earthly peace SWORD A symbol for God’s judgement

Matthew 10:24 – 39 “Disciples of Christ” 1.Imitate Christ in every way 2.Trust in God’s Providential Care 3.Be prepared to make sacrifices V37 “Those who love their father or mother more than me are not fit to be my disciples; those who love their son or daughter more than me are not fit to be my disciples.

Matthew 10:24 – 39 “Disciples of Christ” 1.Imitate Christ in every way 2.Trust in God’s Providential Care 3.Be prepared to make sacrifices V37 “Those who love their father or mother more than me are not fit to be my disciples; those who love their son or daughter more than me are not fit to be my disciples. Love = affection and loyalty

Matthew 10:24 – 39 “Disciples of Christ” As disciples of Christ, we must: 1.Imitate Christ in every way 2.Trust in God’s Providential Care 3.Be prepared to make sacrifices

Matthew 10:24 – 39 “Disciples of Christ” As disciples of Christ, we must: 1.Imitate Christ in every way 2.Trust in God’s Providential Care 3.Be prepared to make sacrifices Read you Bible and pray everyday