By: Carson Hurst & De ’Angelo Woods
Involved two players. Two opponents ran at each other on horse back with a lance trying to knock the other opponent off his horse. Equipment: Shields, armor, horse, and lance. Rich sport, let the wealthy show off their armor. Jousting
Archery was popular because it was a useful skill in battle. The commoners took part in the tournaments because they were the most numerous in battle. ( even though anyone could ) The practical of archery was to teach battle and survival skills in an enjoyable way. The most accurate archer won the tournament. Archery
Trained for seven years. Became a knight at the age of twenty-one Involves a rapier, which is a clumsier cutting sword Two opponents face each other in strategic sword play Fencing
Cock fighting was considered a blood sport. Roosters were fitted with sharp blades The birds were high maintenance because they had to be fed and looked after all the time. Usually a sport for the rich, but men of all classes enjoyed betting and watching the fights. Cock Fighting
Popular sport in the Elizabethan era Played with a small lopsided ball ( the bowls ) called jacks. The lop side in the ball creates an unusual curve when thrown. Closely relates the game of bowling today Bowling was appealing to the average man, because of how cheap it was. Bowls
A game where players have to drive small balls into pockets around the table. The table is square with only three pockets, and has a small piece of iron in the middle that can’t be touched. Players win by pocketing all their balls first This closely relates to modern day “pool” because of the rules and the table. Billiards
Hunting was a very popular sport for a father and son to take part in. When hunting they usually rode on horse back and shot their arrows while riding This made hunting fun and exhilarating Hunting of Fallow and Red Deer was the prerogative of royalty Hunting
There was actually a March Madness for Fencing Queen Elizabeth herself hunted on horse back Henry VIII was an avid tennis player in his youth Tennis was played with balls stuffed with hair. Golf came to England in the 17 th century Fun Facts
What is the long pole in jousting called? The __________ mostly took part in archery tournaments In what sport did the participant train for seven years What is the clumsy cutting sword in fencing called? Cock fighting was considered a _______ sport Cock Fighting was usually a sport for _____ people The ball in bowls was ____ sided Trivia!!
The table in billiards has _______ pockets What sport had a big tournament kind of like March Madness? What animals did hunters ride on? What animal was the prerogative of royalty? Henry VIII was avid at what sport? Trivia!!