Brett Wylie 2 nd period
Who is Merlin? Merlin is a wizard known in Celtic legends to be King Arthur’s mentor and guardian. Merlin was said to be the son of the devil and a virgin woman. There are many different stories about Merlin and the adventures that he and Arthur did.
Merlin Merlin’s personality, demeanor, and existence in many of the Arthurian tales depends on the people and where they are from that told it. Some accounts of Merlin barely mention Arthur and Merlin together because he is portrayed as evil. Others portray him as wise, kind, and a great mentor for Arthur.
How did Arthur and Merlin become introduced? Merlin befriends King Uther whom wants Queen Igraine wife of Gorlois Duke of Tentigal. Merlin helps disguise King Uther as the Duke but in exchange wants the baby that Lady Igraine would have. The plan works, and while everything was happening the Duke dies in the war and Lady Igraine becomes the King’s wife.
Merlin and Arthur Merlin raises Arthur and helps him become the King. There are many different stories that tell how he became King but the most famous would be Arthur pulling a sword out of the stone as the prophecy foretold.
Stories Merlin helped Arthur start his city named Camelot. He also suggested the famous knights of the round table. Merlin also was said to have made Stonehenge.
Stories Merlin also introduced Arthur to the Lady of the Lake whom gave Arthur Excalibur, the magic sword. Morgan Le Fay was said to be Arthur’s half sister and mistress to Merlin to learn his magic to ruin Arthur’s reign.
Merlin’s Death There are many different ways told on how Merlin died. Some of the ways that were told are Ms. Niviene trapping Merlin in a tomb forever because she was disgusted with his affection and love towards her. Others included Morgan Le Fey, a large rock killing him, him being trapped in an invisible tower, and Arthur becoming so mad at him, that he himself killed him.
Literature and Movies Merlin is in a lot of movies and books. Some of the more popular are “Excalibur” and “The Sword in the Stone”. In books Merlin is either played as a wizard or in books like A Connecticut Yankee In Arthur’s Court by Mark Twain, Merlin is not a wizard at all, but a old man that represented superstition.
The Sorcerer’s Stone “The Sorcerer’s Stone” is a movie about King Arthur growing up and being mentored by Merlin. He gains the thrown my pulling a sword from the stone, hence the name.