Do now: Which is more powerful? the Brain, the Soul or the Sword Why?
Unification- to make or become a single unit Nationalist- a person devoted to nationalism. Nationalism- pride or love for one’s nation. Papal States- area around Rome which was controlled by the Pope Diplomacy – the art & science of negotiating with other countries.
Task # 1 Read the handout – Do great men make history? Underline or highlight the important info Answer questions 1 – 10 using FULL SENTENCES
Early HistoryThere was no Italy in 1850; there were 11 independent Italian states each with their own government. Unification Leaders 1. Cavour* – ‘Brain’ of Italian unification, used diplomacy to drive Austria out of Northern Italy. 2. Garibaldi* – “Sword’ of Italian unification; led army called Red Shirts* in conquering states that resisted unification. 3. Mazzini* – ‘Soul’ of Italian unification; organized Young Italy*, a nationalist formed of men under 40. Obstacles to unification -Neighbors, like Austria, did not want a strong, unified Italy. -The Pope did not want to lose control of the Papal States, which he ruled.
Do great men make history or does history make great men? Answer in 2 -3 FULL SENTENCES