THE VINE and the BRANCHES GOD as the gardener, JESUS as the vine, and DISCIPLES as the branch.


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Presentation transcript:

THE VINE and the BRANCHES GOD as the gardener, JESUS as the vine, and DISCIPLES as the branch.

INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTION  John 15:1-8  Grapevine is a productive plant  John 15:1-8  Grapevine is a productive plant  Preparing a vineyard:  Requires constant & intensive care  Preparing a vineyard:  Requires constant & intensive care

 Hillsides are suited location  Stone walls around for protection 1. PLANTING

Watchtowers for further protection

1. PLANTING  Carving the winepress to complete the installation

2. PRUNING  John 15:2  Branches are pruned  To produce stronger branches  Greater fruit yield  Pruned are useless except to be used as fuel (Ezek. 15:2-8)

2. PRUNING  2 kinds of Pruning:  1. Cutting out/off Pruned are useless except to be used as fuel (Ezek. 15:2-8)  Pruned are useless except to be used as fuel (Ezek. 15:2-8)  Even more useless after being burned  2. Cutting back  Promotes growth  Even more fruitful

3. HARVESTING  Isaiah 1:8  During the harvesting season, the owner of the vineyard might live in a booth to stay close to his valuable crop.  The harvest of the grapes took place in August or September.

3. HARVESTING  Average vineyard produced is unknown  A vineyard was considered so important that a man who had planted one was exempt from military service (Deut. 20:6).

3. HARVESTING  Some of the harvested grapes were eaten fresh (Jer. 31:29)  And others dried into raisins (1 Sam. 25:18).  Most were squeezed for their juice to make wine.

CONCLUSIONCONCLUSION  Christ is the Vine  Apart from the vine our efforts are unfruitful  Nourishment comes from the vine

CONCLUSIONCONCLUSION  God as the gardener who cares for the braches to make them fruitful  Daily he sends sunshine and rain to make the crop grow  Constantly he nurtured and prepared it to blossom.

CONCLUSIONCONCLUSION  Branches are the disciples  The fruitful branches are true disciples  Living produce much fruit  Unproductive disciples are as good as dead.  Cut off and useless except fuel for the fire.

CONCLUSIONCONCLUSION  Fruit is not limited to bringing people to Christ  V. 7 – answered prayer  V. 11 – joy  V. 12 – love are mentioned

CONCLUSIONCONCLUSION  Gal 5:22-24  2 Peter 1:5-8 describes additional fruit:

CONCLUSIONCONCLUSION  Qualities of Christian Character  Harvest comes when we become mature and ready for use.  This analogy of farming shows God is glorified when people come into a right relationship with him and begin to “bear much fruit” in their lives.

PRACTICAL QUESTIONS  Are you faithfully remaining in the vine?  What is God pruning in your life?  What Christian qualities that are bearing fruit in your life?  Are you ready for use?