John 15:1-11. The Branch We Are to Be Dependent on the vine; without Him, we are nothing – John 1:1-4 A living branch – Rev. 3:1-3 A fruitful branch What.


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Presentation transcript:

John 15:1-11

The Branch We Are to Be Dependent on the vine; without Him, we are nothing – John 1:1-4 A living branch – Rev. 3:1-3 A fruitful branch What use is it if we are alive, but nonproductive? Many are unfruitful; why? Are they just lazy? Do they want to be their own vine? – 2 Pet. 1:8-11

What Is Meant by Pruning We all understand literal pruning of a physical plant However this is not saying God takes away our good fruit Rather, he allows room for further growth – Acts 20:17-38

What Are the Branches to the Vine? Jesus tells us; not servants, but friends – John 15: Seeing how Christ views us, we know how we should view one another – Eph. 4:15-16 Our vine’s strength knows no limits; he can support any number of branches

Conclusion Jesus has told us plainly how His followers are to be. We must depend completely on Him, and labor diligently to bear fruit so we can please Him. The alternative- being severed- should horrify us!