Economy of Pompeii
Atrium (VII.1.46)
Types of Economic Activity AGRICULTURE,Craft and Commerce, Shops and Markets, Bars and Inns
Evidence Preserved buildings and their contents Inscriptions Images Ancient Literary sources Analogies with later societies
Port Nola, Nuceria and Acherrae have as their port Pompeii on the River Sarno, which transports goods in both directions. (Strabo, Geography 5.4.8) River or Sea?
North of Marine Gate (Mooring blocks for ships???)
Fertility of Campania Of everything, not just in Italy, but in the whole world, the region of Campania is the most beautiful. Nothing more temperate than its climate: indeed, its spring flowers blossom twice. Nothing is more fertile than its land: consequently there is said to be a competition between Liber and Ceres. (Florus, Epitome 1.16)
Farming 140+ villas
Missing evidence- grain cultivation on small farms/
Wine For around Vesuvius is the Murgentine vine, a very strong species from Sicily which some call Pompeian, productive only in fertile soil, like the Horconian variety, which is grown only in Campania. (Pliny the Elder, Natural History, 14.35)
Villa Pisanella (Boscoreale) ( ) 130x 82 ft.
Boscoreale ( Villa Pisanella) 72 +Dolia (12 for other uses) Cella vinaria Fermentation=9 days to many years.
Boscoreale Treasure 108 silver vessels and 1,037 gold coins
62 acres /24,000 gallons
Villa Regina at Boscoreale ( )
2.5-5 acres/2,600 gallons
80 species of plants(olive,almond, fig, apricot, cherry, walnut)
Villa of the Mysteries
Wine Press
Amphorae Spain, Italy, Gaul, Switzerland, Germany, England, Tunisia (Holconii/Eumachii)
Olive oil
Wilhemina Jashemsky 10% of town=cultivation
Agriculture Within the town Reg. II.5 ( Forum Boarium?) 2,014 vine root cavities/ 58 trees/ wine press Triclinia
Flowers (Regions I and II) Orchard ( Region I)
House of the Ship Europa, (I.15.3)Market Garden 90x 180 ft. Vines, Fruit and nut trees
Kitchen garden
House of the Sarno Lararium Onions