1. How pre-cious is the Book di - vine, by in - spi - ra - tion giv’n! Bright as a lamp its pre-cepts shine, to guide my soul to heav’n.
Ho - ly Book di - vine! Pre-cious treasure mine! Ho - ly Bi - ble, Book di-vine! Pre-cious treasure, thou art mine! Lamp to my feet and a light to my way to guide me safe-ly home.
2. It sweetly cheers my drooping heart, in this dark vale of tears; Light to my life it still im-parts, and quells my ris - ing fears.
Lamp to my feet and a light to my way to guide me safe-ly home. Ho - ly Book di - vine! Pre-cious treasure mine! Ho - ly Bi - ble, Book di-vine! Pre-cious treasure, thou art mine!
3. This lamp thru all the te-dious night of life, shall guide my way, Till I be-hold the clear-er light of an e - ter - nal day.
Lamp to my feet and a light to my way to guide me safe-ly home. Ho - ly Book di - vine! Pre-cious treasure mine! Ho - ly Bi - ble, Book di-vine! Pre-cious treasure, thou art mine!