Wildlife CDE Plant Identification Wildlife CDE
Cherry zMay have black spots poisonous to most animals when it wilts – grows most everywhere
Hickory zCompound leaf – smells like paint remover – understory tree
Red Oak z Tips of leaf has hairs on the end of the lobes
White Oak zLobes do not have hairs on the ends
Persimmon zProduces a fruit that is orange when ripe – small understory tree
Loblolly Pine zHas three needles per bundle
Poke berry zPurple leaves, stems, and berries
Alfalfa zLegume
Kobe lespedeza zGround cover
Sericea Lespedeza zErosion control ground cover
Sorghum zSmall grain
Honey suckle zVine
Bahiagrass - grass
Chufa – legume, poplar food for turkey
Eastern Gammagrass
Fescue- grass
Indian grass
Bicolor lespedeza – ground cover
P. Ryegrass
Perennial Ryegrass
Partridge Pea – ground cover
Poison Ivy – leaves in bundles of three on vine
Poison oak
Red Clover – ground cover
White Clover – ground cover
Blackberry – vine with thorns
Muscadine – vine with berries
Austrian Winter Pea
Broom Sedge – grows in areas that need to be fertilized
Cow Pea
Greenbriar – vine with thorns
Honeylocust – double pinnately compound with large thorns
Little Bluestem
Sawtooth Oak
Water oak
Orchard grass
Longleaf pine – needles in bundles of three
Shortleaf pine