DuPont Insecticides IR-4 Food Use Workshop September 16-17, 2008
September 16 & 17, Chlorantraniliprole Approvals (DPX-E2Y45, Rynaxypyr®) DuPont™ Altacor® insect control – Tree and vine crops DuPont™ Coragen® insect control – Vegetable crops (Brassica, curcurbit, leafy, fruiting)
September 16 & 17, IR-4 Chlorantraniliprole Projects Snap beans/Succulent peas Bushberries Caneberries Field/Sweet Corn (joint with DuPont) Cranberries Mint Greenhouse tomatoes DuPont 2008 submissions Tree nuts & pistachios Alfalfa Tobacco
September 16 & 17, Chlorantraniliprole Crop Extrapolations (Super Crop Groups) Goal – All crops on label Many extrapolations now – Tuberous & corm; legume vegetables & foliage; citrus; strawberries; small fruit vine climbing; forage, fodder, straw & hay; herbs & spices*, some oilseeds, tropical fruits, artichoke, okra, asparagus, ti palm, persimmons, figs, pineapple, pomegranate, hops, coffee, cacao, peanuts, sugarcane, cactus Some requiring data will be made later – Remaining root crops and tops of root crops, bulb vegetables, remaining berries & small fruit, cereal grains, remaining oilseeds
DPX-HGW86 Insecticide Cyazypyr™ Summary Slides for IR-4 Food Use Workshop Sept 16 – 17, 2008
September 16 & 17, DPX-HGW86 Insecticide - Cyazypyr™ Active ingredient –DuPont Code: DPX-HGW86 –Common Name: Cyantraniliprole (proposed) –Trade Name: Cyazypyr TM Second generation ryanodine receptor insecticide from DuPont Crop Protection Cross-spectrum activity (Homops, Leps, others) Foliar and systemic activity Multiple application methods being investigated: foliar, drip irrigation, soil drench, seed treatment
September 16 & 17, DPX-HGW86 Insecticide - Cyazypyr™ Effective against many key chewing and sucking insects at g ai/HA Controls whitefly, Dipteran leafminers, fruit flies, foliage-feeding beetles, Lepidoptera Confirming control of aphids, thrips, weevils, psyllids, leafhoppers Moves in xylem so soil applications will be effective Seeing improved crop vigor/yield Will consider supporting greenhouse uses Considering global registration workshare with 2012 registration approval target Plan to petition for Reduced Risk classification
September 16 & 17, DPX-HGW86 Insecticide - Cyazypyr™ Current DuPont crop targets: –Pome fruit –Stone fruit –Grapes –Fruiting vegetables –Cucurbits Additional potential crops? –Potatoes –Leafy vegetables –Brassica vegetables –Bulb vegetables –Citrus
Thank you, IR-4!
September 16 & 17, Recent Label Additions Indoxacarb – Significant IR-4 effort to add these crops to the DuPont™ Avaunt® Insecticide label: –Pome Fruits –Stone Fruits –Brassica Vegetables –Fruiting Vegetables –Cucurbit Vegetables –Leafy Vegetables –Cranberry –Mint