STATUS OF HORTICULTURE IN UP UP contributes 18% to the National Basket 36.74% in Vegetables 10.48% in Fruits 44.13% in Potato 30 lakh hectares under horticulture crops which is 12% of the total cultivated area of the State
Status of Horticulture in Uttar Pradesh [2007-08] Production in Lac MT, Productivity in MT/ha Name of Crops Uttar Pradesh National Produc-tivity Rank in Production Highest produ-ctivity Prod. Productivity Fruits 91.06 10.84 9.9 IInd M. P. (26.5) Vegetables 296.20 16.68 15.0 Ist Tamilnadu (30.4) Potato 110.94 22.01 22.0 W.B. (24.7)
Major Horticultural crops: Fruits Mango, Guava, Litchi, Aonla, Banana, Bael, Ber, Citrus Vegetables Potato, Peas, Onion, Brinjal, Cucumber, Parwal, Tomato, Okra, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Lobia & other cucurbits. Spices Garlic, Chillies, Ginger, Turmeric, Coriander. Floriculture Rose, Tuberose, Gladiolus, Marigold, Jasmine Medicinal / aromatic plants Mentha, Aloevera, Ashwagandha, Tulsi, Sarpgandha & Damask rose, etc. Others Betel vine, Mushroom, Honey production
Achievements in Horticulture in the previous three years & projection Area in Lac Ha., Production In Lac MT Productivity in MT per ha. Year Fruits Vegetables Potato Area Prod. Pvty. 2006-07 8.24 88.87 10.79 15.91 266.06 16.72 4.78 105.37 22.04 2007-08 8.40 91.06 10.84 17.76 296.20 16.68 5.04 110.95 22.02 2008-09 (estd.) 9.53 109.60 11.50 19.21 332.00 17.28 5.14 117.0 22.76 2009-10 (Pro.) 10.75 131.0 12.19 21.0 380.0 18.10 5.35 125.45 23.44 2011-12 13.21 164.37 12.44 24.10 441.90 18.34 6.38 166.93 26.16
ACTUAL ACHIEVMENTS IN THE FIRST TWO YEARS OF THE PLAN During XIth plan 4.95 lac ha have been increased upto 2008-09 as against projection of 13.00 lac ha which is 38 %. 98.6 lac MT production have been increased upto 2008-09 as against projection of 313.2 lac MT which is 31.5%. Rest of the targeted coverage in area and production will be achieved during 2009-10 to 2011-12. Introduction of RKVY & NREGA schemes.
Financial Achievements under NHM Rs. in Crores
Financial Achievements under Commercial Horticulture Development in Intensive Areas Rs. In Crores
Objective To increase production through Increase in area Increase in productivity
Problems Inadequate availability of Quality Planting Material. Poor Post Harvest Management and Marketing facility. Lack of Infrastructure for Value addition /Food Processing. Inadequate Staff.
Remedial Measures - Initiated Increase in Area Bringing additional 13.00 lac hectare under horticulture fold during XIth plan period. Horticulture development in 2.75 lac hectare cultivable wasteland & fallow land. Incentivize Horticultural crops through NREGA. Coverage of additional area through Inter-cropping/ Mixed cropping. Extension of high value horticulture crops to areas under low value agriculture crops.
Remedial Measures-Initiated Increase in Productivity Creation of infrastructure in the state for high quality planting material. Procurement of better planting material from Govt./Pvt. Sector Rejuvenation of unproductive old orchards of Mango, Guava and Aonla Infusion of technology and adoption of better practices. Use of Bio inputs to promote quality production. Use of hybrid seeds in vegetables, spices and flowers for higher productivity (Chillies, Tomato, Capsicum, Marigold, etc.). Efficient use of water by using micro irrigation system. Extension through mass media.
Remedial Measures-Initiated Increase in Productivity Following infrastructure have been created under NHM through public / private sector Programmes Total Estab. of Nurseries (a) Model Nursery 33 (b) Small Nursery 198 Rehabilitation of Tissue culture lab 7 Seed Infrastructure 20 Bio Control Lab 5 Plant Health Clinic 6 Leaf Tissue analysis Lab
Remedial Measures-Initiated Post Harvest Management and Marketing Creation of infrastructure through private / public sector :- Pack houses 214 Multi Commodity / multi chamber cold storage 42 Mobile processing units 01 Refer Van 01 Functional Infrastructure- collection & grading centers. 24 Wholesale markets 11 Flower markets 01 Rural Mandies 15 Distillation units 54 Turmeric Curing units 08 Creation / strengthening the center of excellence for PHM in public / private sector 06
Remedial Measures - Initiated Strengthening of Food Processing Infrastructure Promotion of Food Processing Industries linking with 25% subsidy MFPI, GoI in clusters producing raw material for processing Additional subsidy by GoUP for food processing industries investing more than Rs.1.00 crore capital cost, is under consideration Promotion of integrated cold chain with linking 50% subsidy of GoI.
Remedial Measures - Initiated Arrangement of Additional Staff Contractual Field assistants at Block level in 360 NHM blocks has been posted through NGOs / service providers. Rest of the potential blocks will be covered with field assistants through RKVY and NREGA. Proposal of posting contractual Horticulture Managers in 45 NHM districts through service provider at district level. Redeployment of existing class-3 and class-4 employees to potential blocks.
Issues Inclusion of all 71 districts under NHM Increase in outlay for 2009-10. Exemption of small project based proposals from credits linked back ended subsidy (onion storage, small pack house, distillation units, turmeric curing unit etc). Revision of unit cost for specific crops according to present situation. The mechanism of release of funds should be similar to NREGA and additional funds should be released on expenditure of 60% by the state. Approval of project based activities under NHM may kindly be decentralized at state level, as in case of RKVY. Make provision for one Udyan Mitra in cluster of 5 villages on contractual basis on the pattern of Rojgar Sahyak of NREGA. Funding for this may be considered from NHM & RKVY.
Unit Cost of Different Component to be revised under NHM Sl Name of Component/Crop Unit Present Unit Cost Proposed Unit Cost Remarks (i) Potato Seed Production Ha. 50000 80000 Cost of Potato F-1 Seed is approx. Rs.1200 per quintal and Labour Cost is Rs.100 per day. (ii) Estab. of New Garden (Banana-TC) 30000 125000 The cost of TC-Banana plant is approx. Rs.15 per plant. Thus, the cost of planting material is about Rs. 55 to 60 thousands per ha. (iii) Cut Flowers (Tuberose, Rose, Gerbera) 70000 120000 The cost of Tube-rose bulb (Planting Material) is approx. Rs.1 per bulb and cost of Rose Plant (Planting Material) is approx. Rs.10 per Plant. Thus, the cost of planting material approx. 1.0 lac per Ha. iv) Bulbulous Flower (Gladiolus) 90000 430000 Cost of imported bulbs (Planting Material) is about Rs.4.00 per bulb. Thus, the cost of planting material is approx. Rs.4.0 lacs per ha. (v) Spices (Turmeric, Garlic) 15000 Cost of Seed (Planting Material) of Garlic is Rs. 50 per kg. and Turmeric is Rs. 25 to 30 per kg. Thus, the cost of planting material is approx. Rs. 30 thousand per Ha.
Unit Cost of Different Component to be revised under NHM Sl. No. Name of Component/Crop Unit Present Unit Cost Proposed Unit Cost Remarks (vi) Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Ha. 15000 30000 Cost of Mentha Suckers (Planting Material) is approx. Rs.20 per kg. Thus, a cost of planting material is Rs.20 to 25 thousand per Ha. (vii) Green House (Hi-Tech) sq.m. 650 1300 Construction Cost of Hi-Tech Green House is approx. Rs.1300 to 1500 per sq.m. (viii) Green House (Normal) 250 500 Construction Cost of Normal Green House is approx. Rs.500 to 600 per sq.m. (ix) Mulching 14000 Cost of Black Mulching Sheet is approx. Rs. 3 to 5 per sq.m. (x) Shed-net 14 40 Cost of Shed-net is approx. Rs. 40 to 45 per sq.m. (xi) Plastic Tunnel 10 30 Construction cost of plastic tunnel is approx. Rs. 30 to 35 per sq.m. (xii) Distribution of Bee-colonies with hives No. 1600 2200 The cost of Bee-colonies with hives is approx. Rs.2200 to 2500 per colony.