Kids Are Obsessed with YouTube and Vine By Aaliyah and Sarah
YouTube YouTube is a website that allows people to see and/or broadcast videos. YouTube is a website that allows people to see and/or broadcast videos. Viewers can also watch videos of the latest/old episodes of shows. Viewers can also watch videos of the latest/old episodes of shows.
YouTube: What Kids are Obsessing About Kids enjoy watching something fail Kids enjoy watching something fail Example: When a girl burned her hair off with a curling iron, she became famous. Example: When a girl burned her hair off with a curling iron, she became famous.girl burned her hair off girl burned her hair off Kids also like tutorials, because some kids like to visualize what they are trying to learn. Kids also like tutorials, because some kids like to visualize what they are trying to learn. Example: Here is a video about a girl doing makeup for middle school students. Example: Here is a video about a girl doing makeup for middle school students.girl doing makeup for middle school students.girl doing makeup for middle school students.
Vine Vine is an Apple app. Vine is an Apple app. It’s like a meme in video form. It’s like a meme in video form. Users create 6-7 second videos and they are usually very funny. Users create 6-7 second videos and they are usually very funny. Some vines are of people dancing like this one Some vines are of people dancing like this onelike this onelike this one Or they could sing in the videos Or they could sing in the videos
Vine: What Kids are Obsessing About Kids love comedy and that’s basically what vine shows Kids love comedy and that’s basically what vine shows Kids also love songs that are catchy Kids also love songs that are catchy They love when peoples pranks go wrong and when the prank succeeds They love when peoples pranks go wrong and when the prank succeeds They also love break dancing videos They also love break dancing videos
What they have in common Watching videos that people fail in Dancing and singing videos Can broadcast videos Pranks are included in some videos Can leave comment on video or to the broadcaster