Kudzu-vine Puereria lobata By: Daniel Hughes. Classification KingdomPlantae SubkingdomTracheobionta SuperdivisionSpermatophyta DivisionMagnoliophyta ClassMagnoliopsida.


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Presentation transcript:

Kudzu-vine Puereria lobata By: Daniel Hughes

Classification KingdomPlantae SubkingdomTracheobionta SuperdivisionSpermatophyta DivisionMagnoliophyta ClassMagnoliopsida SubclassRosidae OrderFabales FamilyFabaceae GenusPueraria SpeciesPueraria lobata mbol=PUMOL

Shape, Form, Type Figure 1: Kudzu-vine w.pepinie rebertett o.fr/imag es/catalog ue/photo s/photosP Q/Puerari a_lobata.j pg

Stalk The stem is woody and it climbs as a vine. The stalk is twining as well. Figure 2: Stalk of kudzu-vine w.missour iplants.co m/Bluealt /Pueraria _lobata_p age.html

Leaf The leaves alternate and are circular. Also, the leaves of the kudzu- vine are lobed and typically 15cm long. missouriplant s.com/Blueal t/Pueraria_lo bata_page.ht ml Figure 3 Leaf of kudzu-vine

Flower The interior of the flower is reddish-purple and the exterior is blue- purple. The center of the flower is yellow. Figure 4: Flower of the kudzu-vine missouriplant s.com/Blueal t/Pueraria_lo bata_page.ht ml

Fruit The fruit is compressed and generally 7cm long. They are oblong and are coated with red hairs. Figure 5: Fruit of the kudzu-vine w.missour iplants.co m/Bluealt /Pueraria _lobata_p age.html

Habitat and Range The kudzu-vine is one of the most famous weed pests of the South. Within wooded areas, the vines can cover the entire area, killing all the vegetation with its shady leaves. w.missouri plants.com /Bluealt/P ueraria_lo bata_page. html Figure 6: Range map of the kudzu-vine

Uses Kudzu is typically grown for pasture, hay, and silage. The leaves, shoots and roots of the kudzu-vine are eaten by some humans. hort.purdue. edu/newcrop /duke_energ y/Pueraria_lo bata.html Figure 7: The Kudzu-vine mmyspot.co m/wp- content/uplo ads/2008/09 /kudzu.jpg

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