John 14:1-9In my Father’s house are many mansions John 14:10-14Believe the works John 14:15-26The Father shall give you another Comforter -Greek – “parakletos”


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Presentation transcript:

John 14:1-9In my Father’s house are many mansions John 14:10-14Believe the works John 14:15-26The Father shall give you another Comforter -Greek – “parakletos” – Advocate, Helper or Counselor. John 14:27-31Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid 1

John 15:1-8My Father is the husbandman; I am the true vine; the branch bears fruit by abiding in the vine John15:9-17Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends John 15:18-25The world hates the Christ John 15:26-16:4Comforter testifies of Christ 2

John 16:5-33I go to him that sent me John16:12-15Spirit of truth will guide you into all truth John 16:16-22Your joy no man taketh from you John 16:23-33I have overcome the world 3

John 17:1-5The Glory of the Father before the world was John17:6-10I have manifested thy name to all men John 17:11-23That all may be one in us John 17:24-26Father loved me before the foundation of the world 4