Plant Powerpoint By Tyler Hitchcock
Echinacea purpurea/purple coneflower Echinacea purpurea/purple coneflower 2-5 ft. stems and long-lasting, lavender flowers. Rough, scattered leaves that become small toward the top of the stem. Perennial Leaf Winter
Epipremnum/ pothos Up to 65 feet or more Vine, Herb/Forb Common names: Golden Pothos, Golden Pothos Vine, Pothos, Centipede Tongavine, Taro Vine, Devil's Ivy Perennial Hawaii native
Euonymus alatus winged euonymus Winged Euonymus is a single or multistemmed shrub that becomes 6-12' tall at maturity. Individual leaves are 1- 2½" long and ½-1¼" across. Typical habitats include disturbed woodlands, woodland borders, thickets, vacant lots, roadsides, and fence rows. Perennial
Euonymus fortunei cv Fine to medium textured, evergreen ground covers or small shrubs, growing to a height of in. or 4 to 6 ft. if shrubs. Leafs l/4 to 2 inch long Central and western China, central Japan, south Korea. Tree
Fagus sylvatica cv/ European beech ft. tall, with a spread of ft. Bark is thin, smooth, bluish to whitish- gray but slightly darker in color than F. grand folia. Fall color is golden brown Tree
Festuca spp./ fescue Cool humid Cool semiarid The best cool-season grasses for dry, shaded areas; often mixed with Kentucky bluegrasses and perennial ryegrasses fordry, shaded areas. Well-drained, droughty, infertile, acid soil; light to moderate shade
Ficus Benjamin Ficus Benjamin is the houseplant It is best to keep this Ficus in an area where it will not receive a lot of DIRECT sunlight 62-80°F (17-27°C) Min: 40°F (4°C) Tree